
define the application workflows [since 2.0]

Workflows are designed to achieve processing intents of some sort, such as physical transformation, service provision, or information processing.
OBEROn implements a workflow management system: it manages and defines a series of tasks within an organization to produce a final outcome or outcomes. It allows you to define different workflows for different types of jobs or processes. At each step in the workflow, one individual or group is responsible for a specific task. Once the task is complete, OBEROn ensures that the individuals responsible for the next task are notified and receive the data they need to execute their stage of the process.
Business Administrators create Workflow definitions that contain a set of activities (steps) connected with links that allow branching within the process. Users enabled to manage Workflows (see user access rights ) can design a new workflow definition by clicking the "Add new Workflow" button from the "Context Design" menu.

The access rights tab allows to define users, teams and assignments enabled to execute the workflow (create a process for this workflow).


A workflow can have global parameters, you can define them in the "Parameters" panel and set a default value for each one. Global parameters are common to all workflow steps and can be accessed during the workflow execution.

workflow design: steps and transitions

By the workflow designer tool, the business administrators can define the workflow activities and trace the information flow. The workflow elements are called steps and links between them are called transitions.
With a mouse right-click on the canvas the designer can add new steps choosing the step type from the list; types of step that he can use in the design are the following:

Step Type Description
start there will be one and only one starting step and this will be the first step executed when a workflow instance (process) is started. This step is mandatory and automatically included.

are the main steps, because they define the workflow user actions; these tasks will appair in the dashboard of all user enabled to perform the operations (members of enabled team and assignment listed in the step "Execute Rights" panel). [1 input - 1 output]

system are actions associated to a program or to an external batch process, performed directly by the system. [1 input - 1 output]
lifecycle perform a specific lifecycle action on the primary object associated to the workflow-process at runtime. [1 input - 1 output]
decision is a step where users decide what the next steps will be taken, according to their choices (for example with a poll between them).The decision possible choices corresponds to the step output transitions. [1 input - N outputs]
notification allows to send notifications to some recipients (user, assignment, team members or external email address) [1 input - 1 output]
split is an automatic system step that decomposes the information flow in two or more branches; this element has only one input and two or more output paths. [1 input - N outputs]
or-join is a system step that unifies two or more branches of the information flow; this step will be overcome and so the execution will go forward to next step when ONE of the input tasks will be completed. [N inputs - 1 output]
and-join is a system step that unifies two or more branches of the information flow; this step will be overcome and so the execution will go forward to next step when ALL input tasks will be completed. [N inputs - 1 output]
stop when the process reaches this step the execution of workflow will be terminated independently from other branches.
You can have more than one stop elements in the workflow but note that only one of these will be executed. If a workflow branch should end without stopping the global execution then simply leave the last action of this branch unconnected to other elements. [1 input - 0 output]

If the steps are unlocked (use "Lock/UnLock Steps" popup commands), he can also drag the element in the preferred position on the graph. Alternately it is possible to move a single step dragging it with mouse while the ALT key is kept pressed on the keyboard.

The "Zoom In/Out" and "Normal View" functions allow to enlarge, reduce or go back to the default visualization aspect ratio.

Moreover, the designer can create flow transitions from a given step to the next: right-click on the element and select the "Start Transition.." option on the popup menu, then right-click the destination element (step) and select "Transition (<from step name>)" [or "Abort Transition" to cancel the first selection]. The above items in the popup menu are visible only if the step allows new input/output transition; for example an "action step" allows only one input and one output transitions while a "split step" allows only one input but unlimited outputs.

After created, he can edit the transition properties in this way: move the mouse over the transition until it is highlighted, double click on it or right click and select the popup option "Edit Transition".

Transitions between steps can be created/edited also inside the step definition form; in particular you can set a name and a description for each transition but you can also add a check trigger and an action trigger to them. These programs will be automatically executed to check if some particular conditions (defined in the program) are satisfied and to perform additional actions during the transition between current step and the next (stepfork).

The alignment functions allow to align steps on the canvas: just keep pressed the CRTL key and select the steps with mouse (they will be highlighted in red color), then right click on the canvas to see the "Alignment" option on the popup menu, finally select the alignment mode.

Enabled users can create a Workflow Instance called Process: when a workflow is launched, the workflow instance (process) and all the constituent activity instances are automatically created. Only valid workflows can be executed, so after the flow design you can check the validity of the workflow with the "Validate" button. The checks performed control if all steps are rightly connected, if you have defined the start step and if the flow doesn't generate deadlock loops.

The designer can specify a name, a description and a duration (days-hours-minutes-seconds) for each step and other options according to the step type. The duration is the maximum time for execution and it is used to compute the expiration date based on the step start time.
In addition, the designer can define some local parameters available only for the current step. A local parameter can have a default value or it may receive the value from a workflow/process global parameter ("Get Value From"). When a step completes his execution, local parameter values may be copied back into a process global parameter ("Copy Value To") and so available for next steps.



Additional parameters for action steps are:

- completion: is a way that determines when the step is completed

  any when a single user performs the related action, the step is considered as completed
  all it is required that all users in the "execute rights" list perform the step action
  min it is sufficient that a (declared) minimal number of users complete the step activity

- href: the url associated to the step action; when a user is enabled to perform the step activity, he can find this link inside the user dashboard (or user activity list) during the step execution. (*)
- label: the action label for the url link (usually is dictionary translated) (*)
- completion trigger: a program automatically executed every time a single user complete the step activity ( EVENT = USER_COMPLETE_ACTION )
- holder execute: a workflow can be associated to an object instance, if this flag is checked, the object holder will be enabled to perform the step action and will be included in the process-step execution user list.
- notify: send a notification to all recipients [users/teams/assignments in the execution list] as soon as the step starts running (mail Subject will be the translated step label (*); you can set a "SENDER" parameter for the step). When enabling this option, the "Mail Body" panel is showed for editing the mail body text (*).

(*) substitution keywords can be used:
- object data replacements: <..any object get_option..> (i.e. <id>,<class>,<currentstage>,....)
- dictionary replacements: <[dict_section,dict_key]>, <[dict_key]>
- step or process parameters: <{parameter_name}>
- mixed replacements: <[dict_section,<..any object get_option..>]>, <[<..any object get_option..>]>

The users that are involved during the step execution are listed inside the "Execute Rights" panel; in particular you can add user/team/assignments to the list. When a action step is executed (becomes a process-step) and the completion mode is "all" or "min", the list of users is explicited replacing the assignments/teams with their members and eventually adding the object holder.


Additional parameters for system steps are:

- executable: abosolute path of a system executable file (.exe,.bat,.sh,.com.....)
- action program: a OBEROn program to execute

you must define one of them or both.


You need to define the operation automatically performed by the system on the primary object lifecycle: progress , regress , setstage (+ the stage name) , validate / ignore / refuse (+ the validation name)


Like for action steps, the users that are involved during the step decision are listed inside the "Execute Rights" panel; additional parameters for decision steps are:

- type: is a way that determines how the decision is performed

  single only one choice is allowed; may be represented as a radio button group
  multiple the user can select more than one option (or transition); represented as a checkbox group

- completion: is a way that determines when the step is completed

  any when a single user provides the decision, the step is considered as completed
  all it is required that all users in the "execute rights" list make the choice
  min it is sufficient that a (declared) minimal number of users make the choice

- href: the url associated to the step decision page; when a user is enabled to make decision, he can find this link inside the user dashboard (or user activity list) during the step execution. (*)
- label: the action label for the url link (usually is dictionary translated) (*)
- completion trigger: a program automatically executed every time a single user makes his decision/selection ( EVENT = USER_COMPLETE_ACTION ). This trigger is also executed at the step completion to let the system make the final decision according to the user choices. (EVENT = STEP_DECISION )
- holder execute: a workflow can be associated to an object instance, if this flag is checked, the object holder will be enabled to perform the step decision and will be included in the process-step execution user list.
- notify: send a notification to all recipients [users/teams/assignments in the execution list] as soon as the step starts running (mail Subject will be the translated step label (*); you can set a "SENDER" parameter for the step). When enabling this option, the "Mail Body" panel is showed for editing the mail body text (*).

(*) substitution keywords can be used:
- object data replacements: <..any object get_option..> (i.e. <id>,<class>,<currentstage>,....)
- dictionary replacements: <[dict_section,dict_key]>, <[dict_key]>
- step or process parameters: <{parameter_name}>
- mixed replacements: <[dict_section,<..any object get_option..>]>, <[<..any object get_option..>]>


When this kind step runs, a notification mail will sent to the "Recipients"; additional parameters for notification steps are:
- subject: the mail subject (*)
- language: when specified this language will be used for all recipients, otherwise for each user/team/assignment will be used the default language.
- body form: it is a form used to generate the mail body text

You can set also a "SENDER" parameter for the step or add more external mail addresses setting the "to" / "cc" , "bcc" step parameters. Their values are lists of mail addresses separated by comma (for example: "to" = "mail1@domain.com,mail2@domain.com,\"Name Sur3\" <mail3@domain.com>" )

The "Mail Body" panel is also showed for direct editing the mail body text (*).

(*) substitution keywords can be used:
- object data replacements: <..any object get_option..> (i.e. <id>,<class>,<currentstage>,....)
- dictionary replacements: <[dict_section,dict_key]>, <[dict_key]>
- step or process parameters: <{parameter_name}>
- mixed replacements: <[dict_section,<..any object get_option..>]>, <[<..any object get_option..>]>


Additional parameter for and-join steps is:

- threshold: is the minimum number of input steps to be completed for the step completion. Input steps are connected to the and-join step by transitions, if some of this transitions are marked as "required", the step may result not completed even if the threshold number is reached. You can set the "required" condition on a transiction setting the flag on the "R" column; required transitions are drawed with a different color on the workflow canvas.


Additional parameters for and-join steps are:

- stop others: the or-step is completed when only one input step is completed; if this flag is enabled the others input steps will be stopped.
- expire others: the same behaviour of "stop others" but it will force the other steps to the expired condition.


You can create loops employing the split and the join elements; in details, the join element can receive the loop transition as input while the split element can manage the loop conditions like in the following example.

When the system validates the workflow, it requires the presence of a check trigger at least in the feedback transition, otherwise an infinite loop is surely generated during the execution. Of course, this doesn't avoid infinite loops because depends from the trigger program, but represents a first level control. Best practice is to add check triggers also in the other split transitions which should represent complementary conditions respect to the retroactive path.

Equivalent workflow administration can be made with OOQL commands .

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