package com.oberon.client; /* * Copyright 2013 Mirko Solazzi - OBEROn Platform [] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import com.oberon.client.Application; import com.oberon.client.ApplicationRequest; import com.oberon.client.Configuration; import com.oberon.client.common.ActivityListPanel; import com.oberon.client.common.FilePanel; import com.oberon.client.common.Forms; import com.oberon.client.common.LifecyclePanel; import com.oberon.client.common.NavigatorPanel; import com.oberon.client.common.ResultSetPanel; import com.oberon.client.common.ResultSetTable; import com.oberon.client.common.ScrollingTable; import com.oberon.client.common.ScrollingTable.TableItem; import com.oberon.client.common.SwipeDismissTouchListener; import com.oberon.client.common.ValidationPanel; import com.oberon.client.common.ScrollingTable.TableColumn; import com.oberon.ooql.connection.ConnectionManager; import com.oberon.ooql.sdk.Arg; import com.oberon.ooql.sdk.Dictionary; import com.oberon.ooql.sdk.Form; import com.oberon.ooql.sdk.Link; import com.oberon.ooql.sdk.MenuItem; import com.oberon.ooql.sdk.ObjectObj; import com.oberon.util.StringUtils; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import android.text.Html; import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.View.OnLongClickListener; import android.view.Window; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.CheckBox; import android.widget.CompoundButton; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.HorizontalScrollView; import android.widget.ImageButton; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.RadioButton; import android.widget.RadioGroup; import android.widget.ScrollView; import android.widget.TabHost; import android.widget.TabWidget; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.TabHost.TabSpec; /** * Basic Android Client * * @author Mirko Solazzi * @version 5.0 */ public class OberonClient extends Application implements OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener { private DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout; private ListView mDrawerList; private TabHost topTabFolder = null; AlertDialog editorDlg; private static int TabHeight = 35; ProgressDialog loadingProgress ; private Runnable m_handleTask = null; public Handler m_handler = new Handler(); boolean verticalOrientation ; private ImageButton m_btnAbout; private ImageButton m_btnPrefs; private ImageButton m_btnExit; private ImageButton m_btnLogs; private StringBuffer logText = new StringBuffer(); /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { setApp(this); try { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); } catch (Exception ex) {} requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN); setContentView(R.layout.main); m_btnAbout = (ImageButton) findViewById(; m_btnAbout.setOnClickListener(mBtnListener); m_btnPrefs = (ImageButton) findViewById(; m_btnPrefs.setOnClickListener(mBtnListener); m_btnLogs = (ImageButton) findViewById(; m_btnLogs.setOnClickListener(mBtnListener); m_btnExit = (ImageButton) findViewById(; m_btnExit.setOnClickListener(mBtnListener); mDrawerLayout = (DrawerLayout) findViewById(; mDrawerList = (ListView) findViewById(; SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); prefs.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); DisplayMetrics displaymetrics = new DisplayMetrics(); getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(displaymetrics); screenWidth = displaymetrics.widthPixels-40; screenHeight = displaymetrics.heightPixels-40; screenDensity = displaymetrics.scaledDensity; TabHeight = Math.round(35*Application.screenDensity); verticalOrientation = (screenWidth"+URL_OBERON+"")); linktext.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); Button button = (Button) dialog.findViewById(; button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { dialog.dismiss(); } });; } else if (view.getId() == { Intent intent = new Intent(getApp(),PreferencePanel.class); startActivityForResult(intent, 0); } else if (view.getId() == { final EditText text = new EditText(view.getContext()); text.setSingleLine(false); text.setTextSize(12); text.setText(logText.toString()); Runnable() { public void run() { text.setSelection(logText.length()-1); text.requestFocus(); } }); new AlertDialog.Builder(getApp()) .setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_alert) .setTitle("OBEROn - version "+ConnectionManager.version) .setView(text) .setNegativeButton(R.string.close, null) .show(); } else if (view.getId() == { new AlertDialog.Builder(getApp()) .setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_alert) .setTitle("OBEROn - version "+ConnectionManager.version) .setMessage(R.string.exit_confirm) .setPositiveButton(R.string.yes, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { finish(); } }) .setNegativeButton(, null) .show(); } }}; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Connection dialogs //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class PostRunnable implements Runnable { public void run() { } } private void doServerConnect(final String url,boolean reloadPages) { try { closeConnections(); PreferencePanel.setStringPref(this, "CONNECTION.serverURL", url); openConnections(); startUI(reloadPages); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!isConnected()) { showMessage(getApp(),ex.getMessage(),"OBEROn connect", new PostRunnable() { public void run() { showServerDialog(url); } }); } else { showLoginDialog(getConnectionProperty(ConnectionManager.PROP_OBUSR)); } } } private void doLogin(final String name,String pwd) { try { openFramework(name, pwd); PreferencePanel.setStringPref(this, "CONNECTION.uid", name); PreferencePanel.setStringPref(this, "CONNECTION.pwd", pwd); startUI(false); } catch (Exception ex) { showMessage(getApp(),ex.getMessage(),"OBEROn login",new PostRunnable() { public void run() { showLoginDialog(name); } }); } } private void showServerDialog(String url) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setTitle(R.string.serverURL); final LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); final View content = inflater.inflate(R.layout.server_url, (ViewGroup) findViewById(; EditText serverURL = (EditText) content.findViewById(; serverURL.setText(url); builder.setView(content); builder.setCancelable(false); builder.setPositiveButton(R.string.connect, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { Dialog source = (Dialog) dialog; source.setCancelable(false); EditText serverURL = (EditText) source.findViewById(; String url = serverURL.getText().toString(); doServerConnect(url,false); } }); builder.setNegativeButton(R.string.close, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { finish(); } }); editorDlg = builder.create();; } private void showLoginDialog(String user) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setTitle(R.string.userLogin); final LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); final View content = inflater.inflate(R.layout.login, (ViewGroup) findViewById(; EditText userName = (EditText) content.findViewById(; userName.setText(user); builder.setView(content); builder.setPositiveButton(R.string.login, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { Dialog source = (Dialog) dialog; source.setCancelable(false); EditText userName = (EditText) source.findViewById(; String name = userName.getText().toString(); EditText userPwd = (EditText) source.findViewById(; String pwd = userPwd.getText().toString(); doLogin(name,pwd); } }); editorDlg = builder.create();; } private void startUI(boolean reloadPages) { application_MainMenu = getConnectionProperty(ConnectionManager.PROP_APPLICATION); // set fixed Name for special purpose applications; name = getMenuTranslation(application_MainMenu); ArrayAdapter menuAdapter = createMenu(this,application_MainMenu, new int[]{R.layout.menu_item,,,}, new int[]{R.drawable.empty,R.drawable.expand,R.drawable.expanded}); // Set the adapter for the list view mDrawerList.setAdapter(menuAdapter); loadingProgress.setMessage(getCommonTranslation("Loading")+"..."); final ArrayList requests = (ArrayList) getLastNonConfigurationInstance(); if (requests != null && reloadPages) { topTabFolder.clearAllTabs(); ((ArrayList)topTabFolder.getTag()).clear(); int selected = -1; for (int i=0;i=0) topTabFolder.setCurrentTab(selected); } } else { handleRequest(new ApplicationRequest(TAGS.PAGE_Home, (ApplicationSession) session)); } } public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key) { conf = new Configuration(this); if (PreferencePanel.isOn) { if ( key.equals("CONNECTION.serverURL") || key.equals("CONNECTION.connections") || key.equals("CONNECTION.application")) { doServerConnect(getConnectionProperty( ConnectionManager.PROP_SERVERURL ),false); } } } @Override public Object onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); FrameLayout layout = topTabFolder.getTabContentView(); for (int i=0;i= 0 || page.indexOf(TAGS.FORM_ActionCloseWindow+"()") >= 0) { doClose(request); } else if (page.endsWith(TAGS.PAGE_Search)) { doSearch(request); } else if (page.endsWith(TAGS.PAGE_SearchResults)) { doSearchResult(request); } else if (page.endsWith(TAGS.PAGE_Select)) { doSelect(request); } else if (page.indexOf(TAGS.FORM_ActionConnect+"('") >= 0) { doConnect(request); } else if (page.endsWith(TAGS.PAGE_Edit)) { doEdit(request); } else if (page.endsWith(TAGS.PAGE_EditLink)) { doEditLink(request); } else if (page.endsWith(TAGS.PAGE_Lifecycle)) { doLifecycle(request); } else if (page.endsWith(TAGS.PAGE_Validations)) { doValidations(request); } else if (page.endsWith(TAGS.PAGE_Navigate)) { doNavigate(request); } else if (page.endsWith(TAGS.PAGE_Files)) { doFiles(request); } else if (page.endsWith(TAGS.PAGE_Activity)) { doActivityList(request); } else if (page.endsWith(TAGS.PAGE_ActivityCompletion)) { doActivityCompletion(request); } else if (page.endsWith(TAGS.PAGE_DoWork)) { doWork(request); } else if (page.endsWith(TAGS.PAGE_DictionaryReload)) { try { Dictionary.resetCache(framework); } catch (Exception e) { } } loadingProgress.hide(); } }); } }; m_handler.postDelayed(m_handleTask,50); return true; } /** * Open the Home page */ public void doHome(ApplicationRequest request) { try { String sTitle = getCommonTranslation("Welcome"); session.removeAttribute(TAGS.Object); LinearLayout globalpanel = createPagePanel(this,sTitle, "", false, request); if (globalpanel != null) { ImageView homeImg = new ImageView(this); homeImg.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.home)); LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); params.weight=1; globalpanel.addView(homeImg,params); TextView aboutText = new TextView(this); params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); params.weight=1; params.setMargins(10,20,10,50); globalpanel.addView(aboutText,params); String sText = name + "\n"; sText += "OBEROn Platform [version: " + ConnectionManager.version + " - build " + + "]\n"; sText += ConnectionManager.copyright; aboutText.setEnabled(false); aboutText.setTextSize(20); aboutText.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER | Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL); aboutText.setText(sText); addPageToContainer(globalpanel, "Home" , request); } } catch (Exception ex) { log(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Close a page or a pop-up dialog */ public void doClose(ApplicationRequest request) { View window = getWindow((View)request.getReferer()); if ( getData(window,TAGS.WINDOW) instanceof AlertDialog ) { // POPUP AlertDialog popDialog = (AlertDialog) getData((View)window,TAGS.WINDOW); popDialog.hide(); } else if (window instanceof View) { try { // Get TAB Opener View opener = (View) getData((View)window,TAGS.OPENER); if (opener != null && topTabFolder.getTabWidget().getChildCount() > 1) { removeTab(topTabFolder.getCurrentTab()); } else if (request != null) { String page = request.getRequestPage(); page = StringUtils.getStringPart(page, TAGS.FORM_CheckPageOpener+"('", "')"); if (page.length() > 0) { ApplicationRequest clrequest = new ApplicationRequest(page, request.getSession()); clrequest.setLocale(request.getLocale()); handleRequest(clrequest); } else { removeTab(topTabFolder.getCurrentTab()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } /** * Open a search filter page */ public void doSearch(ApplicationRequest request) { try { ApplicationSession session = (ApplicationSession)request.getSession(); String sFormName = HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(TAGS.form, request); if (sFormName.equals("")) { log("NO INPUT FORM"); return; } Form form =, framework,null); session.removeAttribute(TAGS.view); session.removeAttribute(TAGS.sequence); String sTitle = getTranslation(sFormName); session.removeAttribute(TAGS.Object); LinearLayout globalpanel = createPagePanel(this,sTitle, "", false, request); if (globalpanel != null) { ScrollView panel = Forms.createSearchForm(globalpanel, TAGS.PAGE_SearchResults, form, request); LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); globalpanel.addView(panel,params); addPageToContainer(globalpanel, sTitle, request); } } catch (Exception ex) { log(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Open the search result set page */ public void doSearchResult(final ApplicationRequest request) { try { ApplicationSession session = (ApplicationSession)request.getSession(); String sFormName = HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(TAGS.form, request); if (sFormName.equals("")) { log("NO INPUT FORM"); return; } session.removeAttribute(TAGS.Object); Form form =, framework,null); String formHTMLName = Forms.getFormHTMLName(form); if (HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(TAGS.frf, request).equals("true")) { Forms.clearSearchResults(formHTMLName,session); session.removeAttribute(TAGS.view); request.setParameter(TAGS.frf, "false"); handleRequest(request); return; } // Menu Bar String sTitle = getTranslation(sFormName + "_results"); session.removeAttribute(TAGS.Object); // Perform Search try { String sMessage = Forms.searchObjects(form, request); if (sMessage.length() > 0) { if (sMessage.startsWith(TAGS.FORM_ActionAlert+"(")) { sMessage = StringUtils.getStringPart(sMessage, TAGS.FORM_ActionAlert+"(\"", "\");"); } showMessage(getApp(), sMessage, "",null); } /* * if ( getInputParameter(TAGS.autorefresh,request).length()>0 ) { * setTimeout("reloadData()", getInputParameter(TAGS.autorefresh,request) * ); var clickable = true; */ } catch (Exception e) { log(e.getMessage()); } // List views Vector vViews = com.oberon.ooql.sdk.View.getUserViews(framework); Vector vFormViews = StringUtils.StringTokensToVector(HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(TAGS.views, request),"|"); if (vFormViews.size()>0) { for (int i = vViews.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (vFormViews.indexOf(((String) vViews.elementAt(i))) < 0) { vViews.removeElementAt(i); } } } // int iPageSize = 10; // try { iPageSize = Integer.parseInt( // HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(TAGS.pagesize,request) ); } catch (Exception e // ){} boolean bShowViewList = true; String sView = HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(TAGS.view, request); if (sView.startsWith("(")) { sView = sView.substring(1, sView.length() - 1); bShowViewList = false; } LinearLayout globalpanel = createPagePanel(this,sTitle, "", false, request); if (globalpanel != null) { ResultSetPanel rst = new ResultSetPanel(globalpanel, request); rst.getTable().setOnRowLongClickListener( new OnLongClickListener() { public boolean onLongClick(View view) { try { String sID = (String) getData(view,TAGS.ID); Forms.fillObjectPopUpMenu(view,sID,null,(ApplicationSession)request.getSession()); } catch (Exception exx) { } return true; } } ); if (bShowViewList && vViews.size() > 0) { rst.resetViews(sView, vViews); } else { rst.applyView(sView); } session.setAttribute(TAGS.sequence, new Vector()); rst.process(Forms.getSearchResults(formHTMLName, session), true); LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); globalpanel.addView(rst.panel,params); addPageToContainer(globalpanel, sTitle, request); } } catch (Exception ex) { log(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Open a object selection page */ public void doSelect(final ApplicationRequest request) { try { ApplicationSession session = (ApplicationSession) request.getSession(); String sID = HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(, request); String sFormName = HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(TAGS.form, request); if (sFormName.equals("")) { log("NO INPUT FORM"); return; } Form form =, framework,null); String formHTMLName = Forms.getFormHTMLName(form); session.removeAttribute(TAGS.Object); String sTitle = getTranslation(sFormName); LinearLayout globalpanel = createPagePanel(this,sTitle, "", false, request); if (globalpanel != null) { final ScrollView panel = Forms.createSearchForm(globalpanel, TAGS.PAGE_Select+"?""="+sID,form,request); LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); globalpanel.addView(panel,params); Forms.clearSearchResults(formHTMLName,session); // Perform Search try { String sMessage = Forms.searchObjects(form, request); if (sMessage.length() > 0) { if (sMessage.startsWith(TAGS.FORM_ActionAlert+"(")) { sMessage = StringUtils.getStringPart(sMessage, TAGS.FORM_ActionAlert+"(\"", "\");"); } showMessage(getApp(), sMessage, "",null); } } catch (Exception e) { log(e.getMessage()); } boolean bMulti = false; if (HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(TAGS.multiple, request).equals("true")) { bMulti = true; } ResultSetTable rstTable = new ResultSetTable(getApp(), globalpanel, bMulti,request.getLocale() ); if (request.getParameter( != null) { final ScrollingTable table = rstTable.getTable(); table.setOnColumnSortListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View columnView) { TableColumn column = (TableColumn)Application.getData(columnView,TAGS.COLUMN); ResultSetTable.sortColumn(column, request != null ? (ApplicationSession) request.getSession() : null); } }); // List views Vector vViews = com.oberon.ooql.sdk.View.getUserViews(framework); // Apply view String sView = HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(TAGS.view, request); if (sView.startsWith("(")) { sView = sView.substring(1, sView.length() - 1); } if (vViews.indexOf(sView) < 0) { sView = ""; } Vector vResult = Forms.getSearchResults(formHTMLName, session); rstTable.processResult(vResult, sView); if (!sView.equals("")) { com.oberon.ooql.sdk.View view =,framework.getUserName(),framework); rstTable.processResult(vResult, sView); rstTable.applyView(view,false,true); } table.setSortDirection(ScrollingTable.SORT_DIRECTION_UP); ResultSetTable.sortColumn(table.getColumn(1)); } addPageToContainer(globalpanel, sTitle, request); setData(getWindow(globalpanel),TAGS.TABLE, rstTable.getTable()); } } catch (Exception ex) { log(ex.getMessage()); } } private void doConnect(ApplicationRequest request) { // used with object selection panel try { View window = getWindow( (View)request.getReferer() ); String page = request.getRequestPage(); page = StringUtils.getStringPart(page, TAGS.FORM_ActionConnect+"('", "')"); if (page.length() > 0 && page.indexOf("','") > 0) { request = (ApplicationRequest) getData(window,TAGS.REQUEST); if (request != null) { ScrollingTable table = (ScrollingTable) getData(window,TAGS.TABLE); if (table != null) { TableItem[] items = table.getSelection(); if (items.length == 0) { errorMessage(getApp(), new Exception(getCommonTranslation("MSG_SelectAtLeastOneObject")), "",null); } else { String sID = HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(, request); StringTokenizer sT = new StringTokenizer(page, "','"); String linktype = sT.nextToken(); String versus = sT.nextToken(); String objectlist = ""; for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { objectlist += ","; } objectlist += items[i].getData(TAGS.ID); } ApplicationRequest fwrequest = new ApplicationRequest(TAGS.PAGE_DoWork,request.getForwardTarget(),request.getSession()); fwrequest.setParameter(, sID); fwrequest.setParameter(TAGS.action, TAGS.FORM_ActionLink); fwrequest.setParameter(TAGS.linktype, linktype); fwrequest.setParameter(TAGS.versus, versus); fwrequest.setParameter(TAGS.list, objectlist); fwrequest.setParameter(TAGS.close, "true"); fwrequest.setLocale(request.getLocale()); fwrequest.setReferer(window); handleRequest(fwrequest); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { log(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Open a object Create/Edit page */ public void doEdit(ApplicationRequest request) { try { ApplicationSession session = (ApplicationSession)request.getSession(); String sID = (request.getParameter(!=null ? request.getParameter( : request.getParameter(TAGS._id)); boolean bCreateNew; boolean bClone = false; ObjectObj object; if (sID == null || sID.length() == 0 || HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(TAGS.create, request).equals("true")) { bCreateNew = true; session.removeAttribute(TAGS.Object); object = new ObjectObj(); } else { sID = sID.trim(); bCreateNew = false; if (HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(TAGS.clone, request).equals("true")) { bClone = true; } object =, true,framework); session.setAttribute(TAGS.Object, object); } // Create/Edit Form String sFormName = HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(TAGS.form, request); Form form = null; try { if (sFormName.length() == 0) { sFormName = object.getClass(framework).getDefaultForm(true); } form =, framework,null); } catch (Exception e) { session.setAttribute(TAGS.errormessage, e.getMessage()); } // Save Data String sForwardPage = Forms.saveFormData(bCreateNew? TAGS.PAGE_Edit : "", object, form, request); if (sForwardPage.length() > 0) { ApplicationRequest fwrequest = new ApplicationRequest(sForwardPage, request.getForwardTarget(),session); fwrequest.setLocale(request.getLocale()); fwrequest.setReferer(request.getReferer()); handleRequest(fwrequest); return; } String sTitle = getTranslation(sFormName + (bClone ? "_clone" : "")); String sSubTitle = ""; if (sID != null && sID.length() > 0) { if (bCreateNew) { object =, true,framework); object.resetID(); } sSubTitle = sTitle; sTitle = getClassNameRevision(object, session); } LinearLayout globalpanel = createPagePanel(this,sTitle, sSubTitle, !bCreateNew, request); if (globalpanel != null) { ScrollView panel = Forms.createForm(globalpanel, TAGS.PAGE_Edit, object, form, request); LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); globalpanel.addView(panel,params); String sPrefix = sSubTitle.length() > 0 ? "(" + sSubTitle.substring(0, 1) + ") " : ""; addPageToContainer(globalpanel, sPrefix + sTitle, request); } } catch (Exception ex) { log(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Open a link Edit page */ public void doEditLink(ApplicationRequest request) { try { ApplicationSession session = (ApplicationSession) request.getSession(); String sID = (request.getParameter(TAGS.linkid) != null ? request.getParameter(TAGS.linkid) : (request.getParameter( != null ? request.getParameter( :request.getParameter(TAGS._id))); if (sID == null || sID.length() == 0) { return; } else { sID = sID.trim(); } Link link =, true, framework); session.setAttribute(TAGS.Link, link); // Edit Form String sFormName = HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(TAGS.form, request); Form form = null; try { if (sFormName.length() == 0) { sFormName = link.getLinkType(framework).getDefaultForm(); } form =, framework,null); } catch (Exception e) { session.setAttribute(TAGS.errormessage, e.getMessage()); } // Save Data String sForwardPage = Forms.saveFormData("", link, form, request); if (sForwardPage.length() > 0) { // System.out.println(sForwardPage); ApplicationRequest fwrequest = new ApplicationRequest(sForwardPage,request.getForwardTarget(), session); fwrequest.setLocale(request.getLocale()); fwrequest.setReferer(request.getReferer()); handleRequest(fwrequest); return; } String sTitle = getLinkData(link, session); String sSubTitle = getTranslation(sFormName); LinearLayout globalpanel = createPagePanel(this,sTitle, sSubTitle, true, request); if (globalpanel != null) { ScrollView panel = Forms.createForm(globalpanel, TAGS.PAGE_EditLink, link, form, request); LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); globalpanel.addView(panel,params); String sPrefix = sSubTitle.length() > 0 ? "(" + sSubTitle.substring(0, 1) + ") " : ""; addPageToContainer(globalpanel, sPrefix + sTitle, request); } } catch (Exception ex) { log(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Open the lifecycle page */ public void doLifecycle(ApplicationRequest request) { try { final ApplicationSession session = (ApplicationSession) request.getSession(); String sID = (request.getParameter( != null ? request.getParameter( : request.getParameter(TAGS._id)); if (sID == null || sID.length() == 0) { return; } else { sID = sID.trim(); } final ObjectObj object =,false,framework); session.setAttribute(TAGS.Object, object); String sTitle = getClassNameRevision(object, session); String sSubTitle = getCommonTranslation("Lifecycle"); LinearLayout globalpanel = createPagePanel(this,sTitle, sSubTitle, true, request); if (globalpanel != null) { LifecyclePanel lcPanel = new LifecyclePanel(globalpanel, object,request); LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); globalpanel.addView(lcPanel.panel,params); String sPrefix = sSubTitle.length() > 0 ? "(" + sSubTitle.substring(0, 1) + ") " : ""; addPageToContainer(globalpanel, sPrefix + sTitle, request); } } catch (Exception ex) { log(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Open the validations panel */ public void doValidations(ApplicationRequest request) { try { ApplicationSession session = (ApplicationSession) request.getSession(); String sID = (request.getParameter( != null ? request.getParameter( : request.getParameter(TAGS._id)); if (sID == null || sID.length() == 0) { return; } else { sID = sID.trim(); } ObjectObj object =,false,framework); session.setAttribute(TAGS.Object, object); request.setParameter(TAGS.counter, ""+object.getSyncCounter()); String sTitle = getClassNameRevision(object, session); String sSubTitle = getCommonTranslation("Validations"); sSubTitle += " - " + getCommonTranslation("Stage"); sSubTitle += ": " + request.getParameter(TAGS.stage); LinearLayout globalpanel = createPagePanel(this,sTitle, sSubTitle, true, request); if (globalpanel != null) { String sPrefix = sSubTitle.length() > 0 ? "(" + sSubTitle.substring(0, 1) + ") " : ""; ValidationPanel val = new ValidationPanel(globalpanel, object,request); LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); globalpanel.addView(val.panel,params); addPageToContainer(globalpanel, sPrefix + sTitle, request); } } catch (Exception ex) { log(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Open the object navigation page */ public void doNavigate(final ApplicationRequest request) { try { ApplicationSession session = (ApplicationSession) request.getSession(); String sID = (request.getParameter( != null ? request.getParameter( : request.getParameter(TAGS._id)); if (sID == null || sID.length() == 0) { return; } else { sID = sID.trim(); } ObjectObj object =,false,framework); session.setAttribute(TAGS.Object, object); // Menu Bar String sTitle = getClassNameRevision(object, session); String sSubTitle = getCommonTranslation("Navigate"); // List views Vector vViews = com.oberon.ooql.sdk.View.getUserViews(framework); Vector vFormViews = StringUtils.StringTokensToVector(HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(TAGS.views, request),"|"); if (vFormViews.size()>0) { for (int i = vViews.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (vFormViews.indexOf(((String) vViews.elementAt(i))) < 0) { vViews.removeElementAt(i); } } } boolean bShowViewList = true; String sView = HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(TAGS.view, request); if (sView.startsWith("(")) { sView = sView.substring(1, sView.length() - 1); bShowViewList = false; } LinearLayout globalpanel = createPagePanel(this,sTitle, sSubTitle, true, request); if (globalpanel != null) { NavigatorPanel nav = new NavigatorPanel(globalpanel, request); nav.getTree().setOnNodeLongClickListener( new OnLongClickListener() { public boolean onLongClick(View view) { try { String sID = (String) getData(view,TAGS.ID); String sLinkID = (String) getData(view,TAGS.LINKID); Forms.fillObjectPopUpMenu(view,sID,sLinkID,(ApplicationSession)request.getSession()); } catch (Exception exx) { } return true; } }); LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); globalpanel.addView(nav.panel,params); if (bShowViewList && vViews.size() > 0) { nav.resetViews(sView, vViews); } else { nav.applyView(sView); } nav.process(object); String sPrefix = sSubTitle.length() > 0 ? "(" + sSubTitle.substring(0, 1) + ") " : ""; addPageToContainer(globalpanel, sPrefix + sTitle, request); } } catch (Exception ex) { log(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Open the files panel */ public void doFiles(ApplicationRequest request) { try { ApplicationSession session = (ApplicationSession) request.getSession(); String sID = (request.getParameter( != null ? request.getParameter( : request.getParameter(TAGS._id)); if (sID == null || sID.length() == 0) { return; } else { sID = sID.trim(); } ObjectObj object =,false,framework); session.setAttribute(TAGS.Object, object); request.setParameter(TAGS.counter, ""+object.getSyncCounter()); String sTitle = getClassNameRevision(object, session); String sSubTitle = getCommonTranslation("Files"); LinearLayout globalpanel = createPagePanel(this,sTitle, sSubTitle, true, request); if (globalpanel != null) { FilePanel val = new FilePanel(globalpanel,object, request); LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); globalpanel.addView(val.panel,params); String sPrefix = sSubTitle.length() > 0 ? "(" + sSubTitle.substring(0, 1) + ") " : ""; addPageToContainer(globalpanel, sPrefix + sTitle, request); } } catch (Exception ex) { log(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Open the activity list page */ public void doActivityList(ApplicationRequest request) { try { // Menu Bar String sTitle = getCommonTranslation("ActivityList"); session.removeAttribute(TAGS.Object); LinearLayout globalpanel = createPagePanel(this,sTitle, "", false, request); if (globalpanel != null) { ActivityListPanel actlist = new ActivityListPanel(globalpanel, request); LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); globalpanel.addView(actlist.panel,params); addPageToContainer(globalpanel, sTitle, request); } } catch (Exception ex) { log(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Open the default activity completion popup */ public void doActivityCompletion(ApplicationRequest request) { framework = getFramework(request.getSession()); try { final ApplicationSession session = (ApplicationSession) request.getSession(); final String sProcess = HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(TAGS.process, request); final String sStep = HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(TAGS.step, request); final ApplicationRequest fwrequest = new ApplicationRequest(request); fwrequest.setTarget(""); fwrequest.setRequestPage(TAGS.PAGE_Activity); fwrequest.setReferer(request.getReferer()); String sCommand = "process show '" + sProcess + "' get { workflow.step['"+sStep+"'].{ type decision } } token '';"; String sType = (String) performOOQLCommands(sCommand).elementAt(0); if (sType.startsWith("decision")) { boolean bMultiple = ( sType.indexOf("multiple") > 0 ); LinearLayout listChoices = new LinearLayout(getApp()); listChoices.setPadding(30, 20, 30, 20); listChoices.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); ScrollView sc = new ScrollView(getApp()); sc.setFillViewport(true); sc.addView(listChoices); TextView message = new TextView(listChoices.getContext()); message.setText(URLDecoder.decode(HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(TAGS.label, request), StringUtils.UTF8)+"\n"); listChoices.addView(message); sCommand = "process show '"+sProcess+"' get { step['"+sStep+"'].params["+Arg.TRANSITIONS+"] } token '';"; String sTransitions = (String) performOOQLCommands(sCommand).elementAt(0); Vector vChoices = StringUtils.StringTokensToVector(sTransitions, ";"); final CompoundButton[] choices = new CompoundButton[vChoices.size()]; LinearLayout.LayoutParams params; if (bMultiple) { for (int i=0;i 0) { String sCommand = "process complete '"+sProcess+"' step '"+sStep+"' choice "+sChoices+";"; try { performOOQLCommands(sCommand); handleRequest(fwrequest); } catch (Exception ex) { session.setAttribute(TAGS.errormessage, ex.getMessage()); } } } }) .setNegativeButton(Application.getCommonTranslation("Cancel"), null) .show(); } else if (sType.startsWith("action")) { new AlertDialog.Builder(getApp()) .setIcon(Application.getIcon("action")) .setTitle(getCommonTranslation("CompleteActivity")) .setMessage(URLDecoder.decode(HTMLUtil.getInputParameter(TAGS.label, request), StringUtils.UTF8)) .setPositiveButton(Application.getCommonTranslation("Complete"), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { String sCommand = "process complete '"+sProcess+"' step '"+sStep+"' ;"; try { performOOQLCommands(sCommand); handleRequest(fwrequest); } catch (Exception ex) { session.setAttribute(TAGS.errormessage, ex.getMessage()); } } }) .setNegativeButton(Application.getCommonTranslation("Cancel"), null) .show(); } } catch (Exception ex) { log(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Perform object operations */ public void doWork(ApplicationRequest request) { framework = getFramework(request.getSession()); String sId = request.getParameter(; String sAction = request.getParameter(TAGS.action); if (sId != null && sAction != null) { String sCommand = ""; String sCounter = request.getParameter(TAGS.counter); if (sCounter!=null) { sCounter="sync "+sCounter+" "; } if (sAction.equals(TAGS.FORM_ActionProgress) || sAction.equals(TAGS.FORM_ActionRegress)) { sCommand = "object "+sAction+" "+sId+" "+sCounter+"; "; try { performOOQLCommands(sCommand); } catch (Exception e) { session.setAttribute(TAGS.errormessage, e.getMessage()); } } else if (sAction.equals(TAGS.FORM_ActionValidate) || sAction.equals(TAGS.FORM_ActionRefuse) || sAction.equals(TAGS.FORM_ActionIgnore)) { String sValidation = request.getParameter(TAGS.validation); String sNote = request.getParameter(TAGS.note); if (sValidation != null) { sCommand = "object "+sAction+" "+sId+" "+sCounter+"validation '"+sValidation+"' "; if (sNote != null) { sCommand += "note '"+StringUtils.replaceString(sNote, "'", "\\\'" + "'")+"'"; } } sCommand += ";"; try { performOOQLCommands(sCommand); } catch (Exception e) { session.setAttribute(TAGS.errormessage, e.getMessage()); } } else if (sAction.equals(TAGS.FORM_ActionLink) || sAction.equals(TAGS.FORM_ActionUnlink) || sAction.equals(TAGS.FORM_ActionErase) || sAction.equals(TAGS.FORM_ActionActive) || sAction.equals(TAGS.FORM_ActionInactive) || sAction.startsWith(TAGS.FORM_ActionDuplicate+"[")) { String sVersus = request.getParameter(TAGS.versus); if (sVersus == null) { sVersus = "to"; } String sLinkType = request.getParameter(TAGS.linktype); if (sAction.equals(TAGS.FORM_ActionLink)) { sCommand = "object addlink "+sId+" "+sVersus+" linktype '"+sLinkType+ "';"; } else if (sAction.equals(TAGS.FORM_ActionUnlink)) { if (sLinkType == null) { sCommand = "link destroy ;"; } else { sCommand = "object removelink "+sId+" "+sVersus+" linktype '"+sLinkType+ "';"; } } else if (sAction.equals(TAGS.FORM_ActionErase)) { sCommand = "object destroy ;"; } else if (sAction.equals(TAGS.FORM_ActionActive) || sAction.equals(TAGS.FORM_ActionInactive)) { if (sLinkType == null) { sCommand = "link edit "+sAction+";"; } else { sCommand = "link edit object "+sId+" "+sVersus+" linktype '"+sLinkType+"' "+sAction+" ;"; } } else if (sAction.startsWith(TAGS.FORM_ActionDuplicate+"[")) { String sSubAction = StringUtils.getStringPart(sAction, TAGS.FORM_ActionDuplicate+"[", "]"); StringTokenizer sT = new StringTokenizer(sSubAction, "|"); sSubAction = sT.nextToken(); if (sSubAction.startsWith("i")) { sCommand = "link edit inactive;"; } else { sCommand = ""; } if (sSubAction.endsWith("i")) { sCommand += "link clone inactive"; } else { sCommand += "link clone active"; } while (sT.hasMoreTokens()) { sCommand += " field["+StringUtils.replaceString(sT.nextToken(),",", "] '")+"'"; } sCommand += ";"; } String sObjects = request.getParameter(TAGS.list); StringTokenizer sToken = new StringTokenizer(sObjects.trim(), ","); String sMessage = ""; while (sToken.hasMoreTokens()) { String sToId = sToken.nextToken(); if (!sToId.equals("")) { try { //System.out.println(StringUtils.replaceString(sCommand,"",sToId)); performOOQLCommands(StringUtils.replaceString(sCommand, "", sToId)); } catch (Exception e) { sMessage += e.getMessage() + "\n"; } } } if (!sMessage.equals("")) { session.setAttribute(TAGS.errormessage, sMessage); } } else if (sAction.equals(TAGS.FORM_ActionFileDelete)) { String[][] files = (String[][]) request.getAttribute(TAGS.files); if (files.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { sCommand += "object filedelete "+sId+" filetype '"+files[i][0]+ "' name '"+files[i][1]+"';"; } try { performOOQLCommands(sCommand); } catch (Exception e) { session.setAttribute(TAGS.errormessage, e.getMessage()); } } } } // Forward Page String sForwardPage = request.getParameter(TAGS.fwd); if (sForwardPage != null) { sForwardPage += (sForwardPage.indexOf('?')>0?"&":"?")"="+sId; } else { sForwardPage = ""; } View window = getWindow( (View)request.getReferer() ); if (window!=null) { if (request.getParameter(TAGS.close) != null) { View opener = (View) getData(window,TAGS.OPENER); goForward(opener, sForwardPage); doClose(request); } else { goForward(window, sForwardPage); } } } /** * Open a URL in a target window * * @param targetwin the target window * @param url the URL to open */ public void goForward(View targetwin, String url) { if (targetwin != null) { if (targetwin instanceof LinearLayout) { try { FrameLayout mTabContent = topTabFolder.getTabContentView(); int i=0; while (i 0) { ApplicationRequest fwrequest = new ApplicationRequest(url, request.getForwardTarget(),request.getSession()); fwrequest.setLocale(request.getLocale()); fwrequest.setReferer(request.getReferer()); handleRequest(fwrequest); } else { // Refresh request.setTarget(request.getForwardTarget()); handleRequest(request); } } } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Page Containers // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Creates the page panel * * @param title the page title * @param subTitle the page subtitle * @param objectMenu if true show the object contextual menu * @param request related Application request */ public LinearLayout createPagePanel(Context context,String title, String subTitle, boolean objectMenu, ApplicationRequest request) { final ApplicationSession session = (ApplicationSession)request.getSession(); LinearLayout globalpanel = new LinearLayout(this); setData(globalpanel, TAGS.WIDTH , screenWidth); globalpanel.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); if (title.length() > 0) { LinearLayout panel = new LinearLayout(this); panel.setOrientation(LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL); LinearLayout.LayoutParams params=new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); globalpanel.addView(panel); if (objectMenu && request.getParameter(TAGS.popup)==null) { ObjectObj object = (ObjectObj) session.getAttribute(TAGS.Object); if (object!=null) { final String sID = object.getID(); ImageButton showMenu = new ImageButton(globalpanel.getContext()); showMenu.setImageDrawable(getIcon("menu_button")); showMenu.setBackgroundColor(Color.BLACK); params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); panel.addView(showMenu,params); showMenu.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View view) { try { Forms.fillObjectPopUpMenu(view,sID,null,session); } catch (Exception ex) {} } }); } } LinearLayout titlepanel = new LinearLayout(this); titlepanel.setOrientation(verticalOrientation?LinearLayout.VERTICAL:LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL); params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT); panel.addView(titlepanel,params); HTMLUtil.setClass(titlepanel, TAGS.CSS_TitlePanel, true, session); TextView ltitle = new TextView(context); if (verticalOrientation) { params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); } else { params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); params.weight=1; } titlepanel.addView(ltitle,params); ltitle.setText(title); HTMLUtil.setClass(ltitle, TAGS.CSS_Title, session); if (subTitle.length() > 0) { TextView lsubtitle = new TextView(context); if (verticalOrientation) { params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); } else { params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); params.weight=1; } titlepanel.addView(lsubtitle,params); lsubtitle.setText(subTitle); HTMLUtil.setClass(lsubtitle, TAGS.CSS_SubTitle, session); } } else if (objectMenu && request.getParameter(TAGS.popup)==null) { HorizontalScrollView menu = Forms.createObjectMenu(globalpanel, session); if (menu != null) { LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); globalpanel.addView(menu,params); } } String sMessage = Forms.getErrorMessage((ApplicationSession)session); if (sMessage.length() > 0) { errorMessage(this, new Exception(sMessage),"",null); } // Set scrollbars Boolean scrollbars = true; String sTarget = request.getTarget(); if (sTarget.length() > 0 && !sTarget.equals(TAGS._blank)) { LinearLayout popDialog = (LinearLayout)getDialog(sTarget); if (popDialog != null && getData(popDialog,TAGS.scrollbars)!=null) { scrollbars = (Boolean)getData(popDialog,TAGS.scrollbars); } } setData(globalpanel, TAGS.scrollbars,scrollbars ); return globalpanel; } /** * Add page to a TabFolder or to PopUp window * * @param panel the page panel * @param title the TabItem title * @param request related Application request */ public void addPageToContainer(final LinearLayout panel, String indicator, ApplicationRequest request) { String sTarget = request.getTarget(); if (sTarget.length() > 0 && !sTarget.equals(TAGS._blank)) { // POPUP LinearLayout popDialog = (LinearLayout)getDialog(sTarget); if (popDialog != null) { popDialog.removeAllViews(); popDialog.invalidate(); popDialog.addView(panel); popDialog.setPadding(0,0,0,0); AlertDialog dialogWin = (AlertDialog)getData(popDialog,TAGS.WINDOW); if (getData(popDialog,TAGS.pagetitle)==null || ((Boolean)getData(popDialog,TAGS.pagetitle)==true)){ dialogWin.setTitle(indicator); } android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = dialogWin.getWindow().getAttributes(); lp.width = android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; lp.height = android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; dialogWin.getWindow().setAttributes(lp);; } else { getApp().log("Invalid target: " + sTarget); return ; } } else { // TAB LinearLayout tabItem; boolean bNew = request.getTarget().equals(TAGS._blank); int iCurrentTab = (topTabFolder.getCurrentTab()>=0?topTabFolder.getCurrentTab():0); TabWidget mTabWidget = topTabFolder.getTabWidget(); // Container of tab Indicators FrameLayout mTabContent = topTabFolder.getTabContentView(); // Container of tab Views if ( mTabWidget.getChildCount() == 0 || bNew ) { tabItem = panel; // Create new TAB TabSpec tabSpec = topTabFolder.newTabSpec(indicator); tabSpec.setIndicator(indicator); tabSpec.setContent(new TabHost.TabContentFactory(){ public View createTabContent(String tag) { return panel; } }); topTabFolder.addTab(tabSpec); ((ArrayList)topTabFolder.getTag()).add(tabSpec); // set the OPENER TAB if (bNew) { setData(tabItem,TAGS.OPENER, mTabContent.getChildAt(iCurrentTab) ); topTabFolder.setCurrentTab( mTabWidget.getChildCount()-1); } } else { // Get the current TAB content tabItem = (LinearLayout)mTabContent.getChildAt(iCurrentTab); tabItem.removeAllViews(); // Move the childrens from panel to current TAB int count = panel.getChildCount(); View[] views = new View[count]; for (int i=0;i mTabSpecs = (ArrayList)topTabFolder.getTag(); ((TabHost.TabSpec) mTabSpecs.get(iCurrentTab)).setIndicator(indicator); } request.removeParameter(; setData(tabItem,TAGS.REQUEST, request); refreshTabs(); setData(panel,TAGS.WINDOW, tabItem ); } } private void refreshTabs() { // Refresh the Tabs TabWidget tab_widget = topTabFolder.getTabWidget(); final int tabChildrenCount = tab_widget.getChildCount(); View currentTab; for (int i = 0; i < tabChildrenCount; i++) { currentTab= tab_widget.getChildAt(i); currentTab.getLayoutParams().height = TabHeight; currentTab.setOnTouchListener(new SwipeDismissTouchListener(currentTab, Integer.valueOf(i), new SwipeDismissTouchListener.DismissCallbacks() { public boolean canDismiss(Object token) { return true; } public void onDismiss(View view, Object token) { removeTab(((Integer)token).intValue()); } })); } tab_widget.requestLayout(); } private void removeTab(int index) { List mTabSpecs = (ArrayList)topTabFolder.getTag(); if (index>=0) mTabSpecs.remove(index); topTabFolder.clearAllTabs(); for (int i=0;i=0) topTabFolder.setCurrentTab(index>0?index-1:index+1); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OBEROn Language // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Convert the language code from the Application format to standard ISO code */ public String translateOberonLanguageToISO639Language(String language) { try { return language.toLowerCase().substring(0, 2); } catch (Exception e) { return "en"; } } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LOG // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Show a message in the application Log panel or in the status bar */ public void log(String text) { logText.append(text+"\n"); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSS Styles // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Defines CSS styles */ public void setCSSStyles() { CSSStyle form = new CSSStyle(TAGS.CSS_Form); form.setBackGroundColor(25, 25, 25); form.setPadding(20, 20, 20, 20); HTMLUtil.addCSSStyle(form); CSSStyle titlepanel = new CSSStyle(TAGS.CSS_TitlePanel); titlepanel.setBackGroundColor("#442d5b"); HTMLUtil.addCSSStyle(titlepanel); CSSStyle title = new CSSStyle(TAGS.CSS_Title); title.setFont(Typeface.create("Arial", CSSStyle.BOLD), 21); title.setColor(HTMLUtil.WHITE); title.setTextAlignment("right"); HTMLUtil.addCSSStyle(title); CSSStyle subtitle = new CSSStyle(TAGS.CSS_SubTitle); subtitle.setFont(Typeface.create("Arial", CSSStyle.NORMAL), 18); subtitle.setColor(100, 230, 255); subtitle.setTextAlignment("right"); HTMLUtil.addCSSStyle(subtitle); CSSStyle object_menu = new CSSStyle(TAGS.CSS_ObjectMenu); object_menu.setColor(255, 255, 255); object_menu.setBackGroundColor(0, 0, 0); HTMLUtil.addCSSStyle(object_menu); CSSStyle td = new CSSStyle(TAGS.CSS_Cell); td.setBackGroundColor(200, 200, 230); HTMLUtil.addCSSStyle(td); CSSStyle label = new CSSStyle(TAGS.CSS_Label); label.setFont(Typeface.create("Arial", CSSStyle.NORMAL), 15); label.setColor(250, 0, 0); HTMLUtil.addCSSStyle(label); CSSStyle tdlabel = new CSSStyle(TAGS.CSS_LabelCell); tdlabel.setFont(Typeface.create("Arial", CSSStyle.BOLD), 16); tdlabel.setVerticalAlignment("top"); tdlabel.setBackGroundColor(20,20,20); tdlabel.setColor(230,230, 230); HTMLUtil.addCSSStyle(tdlabel); CSSStyle section = new CSSStyle(TAGS.CSS_Section); section.setFont(Typeface.create("Arial", CSSStyle.BOLD), 18); section.setColor(0, 250, 250); section.setPadding(1, 1, 1, 1); section.setBackGroundColor(180, 200, 220); HTMLUtil.addCSSStyle(section); CSSStyle text = new CSSStyle(TAGS.CSS_Text); text.setFont(Typeface.create("Arial", CSSStyle.NORMAL), 16); text.setColor(0, 0, 0); HTMLUtil.addCSSStyle(text); CSSStyle textarea = new CSSStyle(TAGS.CSS_TextArea); textarea.setFont(Typeface.create("Arial", CSSStyle.NORMAL), 16); textarea.setColor(0, 0, 0); HTMLUtil.addCSSStyle(textarea); CSSStyle select = new CSSStyle(TAGS.CSS_Select); select.setFont(Typeface.create("Arial", CSSStyle.BOLD), 15); select.setColor(0, 0, 0); HTMLUtil.addCSSStyle(select); CSSStyle list = new CSSStyle(TAGS.CSS_List); list.setFont(Typeface.create("Arial", CSSStyle.BOLD), 14); list.setColor(0, 0, 0); list.setBackGroundColor(255, 255, 255); HTMLUtil.addCSSStyle(list); CSSStyle check = new CSSStyle(TAGS.CSS_Checkbox); check.setFont(Typeface.create("Arial", CSSStyle.NORMAL), 14); check.setColor(0, 0, 0); HTMLUtil.addCSSStyle(check); CSSStyle anchor = new CSSStyle(TAGS.CSS_Href); anchor.setColor(0, 0, 255); anchor.setFont(Typeface.create("Arial", CSSStyle.ITALIC), 15); HTMLUtil.addCSSStyle(anchor); CSSStyle statictext = new CSSStyle(TAGS.CSS_StaticText); statictext.setFont(Typeface.create("Arial", CSSStyle.NORMAL), 15); statictext.setColor(10, 10, 10); HTMLUtil.addCSSStyle(statictext); CSSStyle buttons = new CSSStyle(TAGS.CSS_ButtonBar); buttons.setTextAlignment("right"); buttons.setBackGroundColor(250, 200, 200); buttons.setSpacing(3, 2); HTMLUtil.addCSSStyle(buttons); CSSStyle button = new CSSStyle(TAGS.CSS_Button); button.setTextAlignment("right"); button.setImage(getIcon("exit")); button.setFont(Typeface.create("Arial", CSSStyle.BOLD), 18); button.setBackGroundColor(100, 100, 100); button.setColor(Color.WHITE); HTMLUtil.addCSSStyle(button); } /* AVAILABLE STYLE OPTIONS * BgColor BgImg Img Color Font Margin Padding Spacing TextAling VertAling CSS_Form x x - - - - x - - - CSS_TitlePanel x x - - - x - - - - CSS_Title x x - x x x - - x x CSS_SubTitle x x - x x x - - x x CSS_ObjectMenu x x - - - - x x - - CSS_Cell x x - - - - x x - - CSS_Label x x - x x x - - - - CSS_LabelCell x x - x x x x - x x CSS_Section x x - x x x x - x x CSS_Text x x - x x x - - x x CSS_TextArea x x - x x x - - x x CSS_Select x x - x x x - - - - CSS_List x x - x x x - - - - CSS_Checkbox x x - x x - x x - - CSS_Href x x - x x x - - - - CSS_Image x x - - - x - - - - CSS_StaticText x x - x x x - - - - CSS_ButtonBar x x - - - - x x x - CSS_Button x - x - x x - - - - */ }