package com.oberon.ooql.rmi; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.List; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import com.oberon.client.Application; import com.oberon.client.ApplicationRequest; import com.oberon.client.charts.DrawChart; import com.oberon.ooql.connection.*; import com.oberon.ooql.parser.OOQLExecute; import com.oberon.ooql.sdk.*; import com.oberon.ooql.sdk.Class; import com.oberon.ooql.sdk.common.Params; import com.oberon.ooql.sdk.common.Utils; import com.oberon.ooql.sdk.common.WebServiceClient; import com.oberon.ooql.sdk.db.DB_Base; import com.oberon.ooql.sdk.db.DB_Graph; import com.oberon.util.FileUtils; import com.oberon.util.StringUtils; import com.oberon.util.XMLUtils; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.ConnectException; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.filter.ElementFilter; /** * Utility functions for JSP Web Pages, {@link WebService}s and generic RMI usage * * @author Mirko Solazzi * @version 4.0 */ @Deprecated public class JRClient { /** Default date format */ public final static SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = Params.sformat; /** The value separator for multivalue {@link Field}s */ public final static String ATTRSEP = Params.ATTRSEP; /** Administrator user name */ public final static String ADMUSR =Params.ADMUSR; private static ImageData imgDataOn; private static ImageData imgDataOff; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Utilities //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Check if DB supports tablespaces */ public static boolean isTableSpace() { return DB_Base.isTableSpace; } /** Get the Temporary directory */ public static String getTempDir() { return Params.tempDir; } /** Get the Mail server name or ID */ public static String getMailServer() { return Params.mailServer; } /** Get the Web server url */ public static String getWebRoot() { return Params.webRoot; } /** Get the SVN repository url */ public static String getSVNUrl() { return Params.svnURL; } /** Set the SVN repository url */ public static void setSVNUrl(String url) { Params.svnURL = url; } /** Get the SVN repository account * @return array of String: [0] url / [1] user / [2] password */ public static String[] getSVNAccount() { return Utils.getSVNAccount(); } /** Set the Administrator User [ADMIN] password */ public static void setAdminPWD(String password) { Params.ADMPWD = password; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Check if the input string is blank (null , empty or formed exclusively by spaces) */ public static boolean isBlank(String string) { return StringUtils.isBlank(string); } /** * Escape quotes inside a string */ public static String escape(String value) { return StringUtils.escape(value); } /** * Convert integer value (decimal) to hexadecimal value */ public static String getHexValue( int decValue ) { return getHexValue(decValue); } /** * Convert hexadecimal value to integer value (decimal) */ public static int getIntValue( String hexValue ) { return Utils.getIntValue(hexValue) ; } /** * Replace all occurrences of a sub-string into a given string with another substitute sub-string * * @param source the source string * @param replace the sub-string to replace * @param substitute the substitute sub-string * * Example: replaceString("My source string"," s"," S") return "My Source String" */ public static String replaceString (String source, String replace, String substitute) { return StringUtils.replaceString(source,replace,substitute); } /** * Get the first occurrence of sub-string included between two bound sub-strings (left and right) * * @param sourceText the source string * @param leftBound the left side sub-string * @param rightBound the right side sub-string * * Example: getStringPart("user[MyName]","user[","]") return "MyName" */ public static String getStringPart( String sourceText, String leftBound, String rightBound ) { return StringUtils.getStringPart( sourceText, leftBound, rightBound ); } /** * Check if a text match a given pattern * * @param pattern the pattern (use wildcards "*" match 0/n chars and "?" match a single char) * @param text the text to verify * * Example: * matchPattern("*Nam?","MyName") return true * matchPattern("*Nam?","MyNames") return false */ static boolean matchPattern(String pattern, String text) { return StringUtils.matchPattern(pattern,text); } /** * Check if a text match one of given patterns * * @param patterns Vector of the pattern (use wildcards "*" match 0/n chars and "?" match a single char) * @param text the text to verify * */ public static boolean checkPattern(Vector patterns, String text) { return StringUtils.checkPattern(patterns, text); } /** * Return vector elements as a single string separated with a fixed separator chars * * @param vector the input vector * @param delim the element separator * */ public static String vectorToString(Vector vector, String delim) { return StringUtils.vectorToString(vector, delim); } /** * Return array elements as a single string separated with a fixed separator chars * * @param array the input array * @param delim the element separator * */ public static String arrayToString(String[] array, String delim) { return StringUtils.arrayToString(array, delim); } /** * Split a string into a token vector * * @param stringToTokenize the input string * @param delim the token separator * */ public static Vector StringTokensToVector( String stringToTokenize , String delim ) { return StringUtils.StringTokensToVector( stringToTokenize , delim ); } /** * Collect hashtable keys into a vector * */ public static Vector hashTableKeysToVector(Hashtable hTable) { return Utils.hashTableKeysToVector(hTable); } /** * Sort a vector * * @param vector the vector to sort * @param increase if true order from less values to high values * @param asString if true treat the vector elements as strings * */ public static void orderVector( Vector vector, boolean increase , boolean asString ) { StringUtils.orderStringVector( vector , increase ); } /** * Sort a vector of strings * * @param vector the vector to sort * @param increase if true order from less values to high values * */ public static void orderStringVector( Vector vector, boolean increase ) { StringUtils.orderStringVector( vector , increase ); } /** * Return a XML dom structure as XML text * * @param element the xml element root * @param pretty enable/disable the xml indented style * @param encoding set the encoding charset ( UTF-8 , ISO-8859-1 , ...) * */ public static String elementToString( Element element ,boolean pretty,String encoding ) throws OberonException { return XMLUtils.elementToString(element,pretty,encoding); } /** * Write a XML dom structure as XML text to a stream * * @param element the xml element root * @param writer the output stream writer * @param pretty enable/disable the xml indented style * @param encoding set the encoding charset ( UTF-8 , ISO-8859-1 , ...) * */ public static void elementToStream(Element element, OutputStreamWriter writer,boolean pretty,String encoding ) throws IOException,OberonException { XMLUtils.elementToStream(element, writer, pretty, encoding ); } /** * Return the administration java element from XML element * @param element the xml element root */ public static AdminBase elementToAdminObject(Element element) { return Utils.elementToAdminObject(element); } /** * Parse XML text and return the relative XML dom structure * * @param xmlText the xml text * */ public static Element parseXML(String xmlText) throws Exception { return XMLUtils.parseXML(xmlText); } /** * Returns current date/time (GMT) in {@link #dateFormat} format */ public static String getCurrentDate() { return Utils.getCurrentDate(); } /** * Returns the related java class for an administration type */ public static java.lang.Class getClassFromType(String adminType) { return Utils.getClassFromType(adminType); } /** * Generates hashed password ("MD5" algorithm) * * @param password the password to hash * @param length length of the result string */ public static String hashPassword(String password,int length) { return StringUtils.hashPassword(password, length); } /** * Perform login and generate a session ID for {@link WebService} usage * * @param userName the account {@link User} name * @param password the account password * * @throws Exception if userName or password is wrong */ public static String generateSessionId(String userName,String password) throws Exception { return StringUtils.generateSessionId(userName,password); } /** * Compute the userName and password from session ID (for {@link WebService} usage) * * @param sessionId the session ID * * @throws Exception if session ID is wrong * * @return a String array with 3 elements ( session ID creation timestamp , userName and password ) */ public static String[] parseSessionId(String sessionId) throws Exception { return StringUtils.parseSessionId(sessionId); } /** * Get the CXF WebService Http Session * * @since 1.3 * * @param context the CXF WebService context */ public static HttpSession getCXFHttpSession(WebServiceContext context) throws OberonException { try { return WebServiceClient.getCXFHttpSession(context); } catch (Exception e) { throw OberonException.generateOberonException(e,"getCXFHttpSession("+context+")"); } catch (Throwable tr) { throw new OberonException("CXFNotInstalled",(String[])null); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Files //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Read data from a local file system file * * @param filepath the file absolute path */ public static byte[] getBytesFromFile(String filepath) throws IOException,OberonException { return FileUtils.getBytesFromFile(filepath); } /** * Save data to a local file system file * * @param path the file path * @param filename the file name * @param filedata the file content data */ public static File saveBytesToFile( String path , String filename , byte[] filedata ) throws IOException,OberonException { return FileUtils.saveToFile(path, filename, filedata); } /** * Create a directory tree for a given path on the local file system * * @param path the directory path */ public static void createLocalDir( String path ) throws OberonException { FileUtils.createLocalDir(path); } /** * Copy or rename a file on the local file system * * @param fromFile the original file * @param toFile the destination file * @param move if true move (rename) the file */ public static void copyFile( File fromFile,File toFile, boolean move ) throws IOException,OberonException { FileUtils.copyFile(fromFile, toFile.getParent(), toFile.getName(), move); } /** * Return the list of file inside a directory or recursively on its sub-directories * * @param path the directory path * @param subdirs if true recurse on sub-directories (return the full paths) */ public static Vector listFiles(String path, boolean subdirs) { return FileUtils.listFiles(path,subdirs); } /** * Remove all empty directories recursively starting from the given path * * @param path the directory start path */ public static void cleanDirs(String path) { FileUtils.cleanDirs(path); } /** * Perform {@link User} login. * * @param sessionId the session ID * @param session http session where store the User framework (can be null) * * @return the user Framework * * @throws Exception when session ID is wrong * @see #generateSessionId(String, String) */ public static Framework doLogin(String sessionId,HttpSession session) throws Exception { String[] sAccount= parseSessionId(sessionId); return doLogin(sAccount[1],sAccount[2],session); } /** * Perform {@link User} login. * * @param userName the User name * @param password the password * @param session http session where store the User framework (can be null) * * @return the user Framework * * @throws Exception when userName and/or password are wrong */ public static Framework doLogin(String userName,String password,HttpSession session) throws Exception { ConnectionManager.openConnections(null); String sCommand="framework open '"+userName+"' password '"+StringUtils.escape(password)+"';"; Framework framework=new Framework(userName,password); framework.setVerbose(false); framework.setSQLTrace(false); // link the framework OBConnection conn = ConnectionManager.getConnection(framework); try { if (ConnectionManager.isRMIConnection()) { RMIClient servlet=(RMIClient)((RMIConnection)conn).getRemoteInterface(); servlet.performOOQL( sCommand , framework ); framework=servlet.getFramework(); } else { OOQLExecute execOOQL = new OOQLExecute(); framework=execOOQL.executeOOQL(sCommand,framework); } if (session != null) { Application.setFramework(session, framework); } } catch (ConnectException ex) { conn.setValid(false); throw new OberonException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { ConnectionManager.releaseConnection(conn,framework); } return framework; } /** * Generate the menu HTML code to include into JSP pages * * @param menuName the name of {@link Menu} * @param session http session */ public static void createMenu(String menuName, HttpSession session) { session.removeAttribute("Menu"); session.setAttribute("Menu",createMenu(menuName, session, 0)); } // recurse the createMenu for sub-Menus private static String createMenu(String menuName, HttpSession session,int level) { StringBuffer sResult= new StringBuffer(); String sTab=""; String sRootPath=(String)session.getAttribute("RootPath"); if (sRootPath==null) { sRootPath=""; } String sDictSection=(String)session.getAttribute("MenuSection"); if (sDictSection==null) { sDictSection="Menu"; } for (int i=0;i<=level;i++) { sTab+="\t"; } try { String sCommand="menu show '"+menuName+"' get { label ownchild.{ name label image href access } } token xml ;"; Element eMenu = parseXML(performOOQL(sCommand,session)); List lst = eMenu.getChildren(); Element eChilds = (Element)lst.get(1); Iterator itr = eChilds.getChildren().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Element eChild = (Element); if (eChild.getName().equals("command") && eChild.getChild("access").getText().equals("true")) { String sLabel = eChild.getChild("label").getText().trim(); if (sLabel.length()>0) { sResult.append(sTab).append(""); if (eChild.getChild("image").getText().equals("true")) { sResult.append(""); } sResult.append(getDictKey(sDictSection,sLabel,session)).append("\n"); } else { sResult.append(sTab).append("\n"); } } else if (eChild.getName().equals("menu")) { String sMenu = eChild.getAttributeValue("name"); String sMenuResult=createMenu(sMenu,session,level+1); if (sMenuResult.length()>0) { sResult.append(sTab).append(""); } else { sResult.append(" class='fly'>"); } if (eChild.getChild("image").getText().equals("true")) { sResult.append(""); } sResult.append(getDictKey(sDictSection,eChild.getChild("label").getText().trim(),session)).append("\n"); if (level==0) { sResult.append(sTab).append("
    "); } else { sResult.append("
      "); } sResult.append('\n').append(sMenuResult).append('\n').append(sTab).append("
    \n").append(sTab).append("\n"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof OberonException) { System.out.println("JRClient.createMenu("+menuName+"): "+((OberonException)e).getLocalizedMessage(session)); } else { System.out.println("JRClient.createMenu("+menuName+"): "+e.getMessage()); } } return sResult.toString(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OOQL Interface //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Execute OOQL commands * * @param commands multiple OOQL commands (each command must ends with ";") * @param session http session to retrieve and store the User framework * * @return a vector where each element represents the result of a single command */ public static Vector performOOQLCommands(String commands,HttpSession session ) throws Exception { Vector vRes=null; if (!ConnectionManager.isConnected()) { throw new OberonException("NotConnected",(String[])null); } Framework framework = Application.getFramework(session); if (framework!=null) { OBConnection conn = ConnectionManager.getConnection(framework); try { if (ConnectionManager.isRMIConnection()) { RMIClient servlet=(RMIClient)((RMIConnection)conn).getRemoteInterface(); vRes=servlet.performOOQL( commands , framework ); Application.setFramework(session, servlet.getFramework()); } else { OOQLExecute execOOQL = new OOQLExecute(); framework=execOOQL.executeOOQL(commands,framework); vRes=execOOQL.getResults(); Application.setFramework(session, framework); } } catch (ConnectException ex) { conn.setValid(false); throw new OberonException(ex.getMessage()); } finally { ConnectionManager.releaseConnection(conn,framework); } } else { throw new OberonException("FrameworkNull",(String[])null); } return vRes; } /** * Execute a single OOQL command * * @param command he OOQL command (must ends with ";") * @param session http session to retrieve and store the User framework */ public static String performOOQL(String command,HttpSession session ) throws Exception { return (String)performOOQLCommands(command,session).elementAt(0); } /** * Open an OBEROn transaction * * @param session http session to retrieve and store the User framework */ public static void openTrans(HttpSession session) throws Exception { performOOQLCommands("framework trans open;",session); } /** * Commit a opened OBEROn transaction * * @param session http session to retrieve and store the User framework */ public static void commitTrans(HttpSession session) throws Exception { performOOQLCommands("framework trans commit;",session); } /** * Abort a opened OBEROn transaction * * @param session http session to retrieve and store the User framework */ public static void abortTrans(HttpSession session) throws Exception { performOOQLCommands("framework trans abort;",session); } /** * Open an administrative object and read properties from the database or retrieve them from memory * * @param adminType the administrative object type (ex.: class , field , lifecycle ... ) * @param name the administrative object name * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @return a instance of the administrative object type (ex.: {@link Class} , {@link Field} , {@link Lifecycle} ...) * * @throws OberonException usually due to DB SQL exceptions */ public static AdminBase loadAdminObject(String adminType,String name,HttpSession session) throws Exception { adminType=adminType.toLowerCase(); Element eObject = null; ServletContext context = session.getServletContext(); if ( context!= null ) { eObject = (Element)context.getAttribute(adminType+"|"+name); } else { eObject = (Element)session.getAttribute(adminType+"|"+name); } if (eObject==null) { String sCommand = adminType+" show '"+name+"' token xml;"; eObject = parseXML(performOOQL(sCommand,session)); if ( context!= null ) { context.setAttribute(adminType+"|"+name,eObject); } else { session.setAttribute(adminType+"|"+name,eObject); } } return Utils.elementToAdminObject(eObject); } /** * Reset the client cache removing all administrative objects * * @param session http session */ public static void resetCache(HttpSession session) throws Exception { String[] AdminType={ "objectspace","filespace","localarea","field", "class","linktype","user","team","assignment", "filetype","program","webservice","menu", "command","lifecycle","workflow","form","autonumber","graph", "metricsystem","unitmeasure","objectgroup","query","view" }; ServletContext context = session.getServletContext(); if ( context!= null ) { Enumeration en = context.getAttributeNames(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { String sAttribute = (String) en.nextElement(); for (int j=0;j0) { feature.setBetween(adminType, adminName, nextElement.getChildText("to.type"), nextElement.getChildText("")); } else { feature.setFor(adminType, adminName); } feature.setValue(nextElement.getChildText("value")); vFeatures.add(feature); } } catch (Exception e){} } return vFeatures; } /** * Open a ObjectObj OBEROn object and read properties from the database * * @param objectID the {@link ObjectObj}'s ID * @param getCommand list of OOQL property identifiers/names (example: stage,holder,description ...) * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @throws OberonException usually due to DB SQL exceptions */ public static ObjectObj loadObject(String objectID,String getCommand,HttpSession session) throws Exception { ObjectObj object = new ObjectObj(); String sCommand = "object show "+objectID+" get { counter "+replaceString(getCommand,","," ")+" } token xml;"; Element eObject = parseXML(performOOQL(sCommand,session)); object.fromXML(eObject); object.setLinked(true); return object; } /** * Open a Link and read properties from the database * * @param linkID the {@link Link}'s ID * @param getCommand list of OOQL property identifiers/names (example:,from.class ...) * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @throws OberonException usually due to DB SQL exceptions */ public static Link loadLink(String linkID,String getCommand,HttpSession session) throws Exception { Link link = new Link(); String sCommand = "link show "+linkID+" get { from.object to.object counter "+replaceString(getCommand,","," ")+" } token xml;"; Element eObject = parseXML(performOOQL(sCommand,session)); link.fromXML(eObject); return link; } /** * Get ObjectObj properties from the database in XML format * * @param objectID the {@link ObjectObj}'s ID * @param getCommand list of OOQL property identifiers/names (example: stage,holder,defaultfiletype.file ...) * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @throws OberonException usually due to DB SQL exceptions */ public static Element getObjectData(String objectID,String getCommand,HttpSession session) throws Exception { String sCommand = "object show "+objectID+" get { "+replaceString(getCommand,","," ")+" } token xml;"; Element eObject = parseXML(performOOQL(sCommand,session)); return eObject; } /** * Get Link properties from the database in XML format * * @param linkID the {@link Link}'s ID * @param getCommand list of OOQL property identifiers/names (example:,from.class ...) * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @throws OberonException usually due to DB SQL exceptions */ public static Element getLinkData(String linkID,String getCommand,HttpSession session) throws Exception { String sCommand = "link show "+linkID+" get { "+replaceString(getCommand,","," ")+" } token xml;"; Element eLink = parseXML(performOOQL(sCommand,session)); return eLink; } /** * Navigate a ObjectObj OBEROn object * * @param objectID the {@link ObjectObj}'s ID * @param getCommand list of OOQL property identifiers/names (example: stage,holder,defaultfiletype.file ...) * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @throws OberonException usually due to DB SQL exceptions */ public static Vector navigateObject(String objectID,String linkType,String versus,String getCommand,String getLinkCommand,HttpSession session) throws Exception { StringBuffer sCommand= new StringBuffer("object navigate "); sCommand.append(objectID).append(' ').append(versus).append(" linktype '").append(linkType).append("' "); Vector getFields = new Vector(); getFields.add("level"); getFields.add("linktype"); getFields.add("versus"); getFields.add("class"); getFields.add("name"); getFields.add("revision"); if (getCommand.length()>0) { sCommand.append("get {").append(replaceString(getCommand,","," ")).append("} "); Vector vGet = StringTokensToVector(getCommand, ","); int iSize = vGet.size(); for (int i=0;i0) { sCommand.append("getlink {").append(replaceString(getLinkCommand,","," ")).append("} "); Vector vGet = StringTokensToVector(getLinkCommand, ","); int iSize = vGet.size(); for (int i=0;i';"); Vector vLinks = StringTokensToVector(performOOQL(sCommand.toString(),session), "\n"); orderVector(vLinks, true, true); int iSize = vLinks.size(); int iGSize = getFields.size(); for (int i=0;i"); for (int j=0;j0) { iValidCol++; iObjCol++; } else if (col.getGetLink().length()>0) { iValidCol++; iLinkCol++; } } int[] vIndexes =new int[iValidCol]; String[] vObjFields=new String[iObjCol]; String[] vLinkFields=new String[iLinkCol]; iValidCol=0; iObjCol=0; iLinkCol=0; int iNdxCol = 0; iSize = vColumns.size(); for (int i=0;i0) { vIndexes[iValidCol]=iNdxCol; iValidCol++; vObjFields[iObjCol]=col.getGetObject(); iObjCol++; iNdxCol++; } else if (col.getGetLink().length()>0) { iNdxCol++; } } iNdxCol = 0; iSize = vColumns.size(); for (int i=0;i0) { vIndexes[iValidCol]=iNdxCol; iValidCol++; vLinkFields[iLinkCol]=col.getGetLink(); iLinkCol++; iNdxCol++; } else if (col.getGetObject().length()>0) { iNdxCol++; } } // Get the values from DB if (vObjFields.length>0 || vLinkFields.length>0) { Hashtable hData=new Hashtable(); try { if (vObjFields.length>0) { StringBuffer sObjCommand = new StringBuffer("object show get { "); for (int i=0;i0 && sIDs.indexOf(ids[i][0])<0) { if (sIDs.length()>0) {sIDs.append(','); } sIDs.append(ids[i][0]); vIDs.add(ids[i][0]); } } if (sIDs.length()>0) { String sObjectCommand=StringUtils.replaceString(sObjCommand.toString(), "",sIDs.toString()); Vector vRes = performOOQLCommands( sObjectCommand ,session ); if (sIDs.indexOf(",")>0) { vRes=StringUtils.StringTokensToVector((String)vRes.elementAt(0),"\n"); } else { vRes.setElementAt(StringUtils.escapeNL((String)vRes.elementAt(0)),0); } iSize = vRes.size(); for (int i=0;i0) { StringBuffer sLinkCommand = new StringBuffer("link show get { "); for (int i=0;i0 && sIDs.indexOf(ids[i][1])<0) { if (sIDs.length()>0) {sIDs.append(','); } sIDs.append(ids[i][1]); vIDs.add(ids[i][1]); } } if (sIDs.length()>0) { String sLnkCommand=StringUtils.replaceString(sLinkCommand.toString(), "",sIDs.toString()); Vector vRes = performOOQLCommands( sLnkCommand ,session ); if (sIDs.indexOf(",")>0) { vRes=StringUtils.StringTokensToVector((String)vRes.elementAt(0),"\n"); } else { vRes.setElementAt(StringUtils.escapeNL((String)vRes.elementAt(0)),0); } iSize = vRes.size(); for (int i=0;i0) { vFileTypes.remove(iPos); } } catch (Exception ex){} return vFileTypes; } /** * Get ObjectObj contextual Commands. * The contextual command list depend on ObjectObj's current Lifecycle-Stage and on User access rights. * * @param object the ObjectObj instance * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @see #getObjectActions(ObjectObj , HttpSession) * * @return vector of {@link Command}s */ @Deprecated public static Vector getObjectMenuCommands(ObjectObj object,HttpSession session) throws Exception { return getObjectActions(object,session); } /** * Get ObjectObj contextual action Commands. * The contextual command list depend on ObjectObj's current Lifecycle-Stage and on User access rights. * * @param object the ObjectObj instance * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * @since 2.5 * * @return vector of {@link Command}s */ public static Vector getObjectActions(ObjectObj object,HttpSession session) throws Exception { String sCommand = "lifecycle show '"+object.getLifecycle()+"' get { stage['"+object.getStage()+"'].command.{ href label access executable alt} } token xml;"; Framework framework = Application.getFramework(session); if (framework!=null) { framework.emptyEnv(); framework.setEnv("id", object.getID()); } Element eCommands = parseXML(performOOQL(sCommand,session)); Iterator elementList = eCommands.getDescendants(); Vector vCommands=new Vector(); while (elementList.hasNext()) { try{ Element nextElement = (Element); String sAttrName = nextElement.getName(); if (sAttrName.equals("command") ) { if ( nextElement.getChildText("access").equals("true")) { Command command = new Command(); command.setName(nextElement.getAttributeValue("name")); command.setId(Integer.parseInt(nextElement.getAttributeValue("id"))); command.setLabel(nextElement.getChildText("label")); command.setHRef(nextElement.getChildText("href")); command.setAlt(nextElement.getChildText("alt")); command.setExecutable(nextElement.getChildText("executable").equals("true")); vCommands.add(command); } } } catch (Exception e){} } return vCommands; } /** * Get ObjectObj contextual action Commands. * The contextual command list depend on ObjectObj's current Lifecycle-Stage and on User access rights. * * @param objectID the {@link ObjectObj}'s ID * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * @since 2.5 * * @return vector of {@link Command}s */ public static Vector getObjectActions(String objectID,HttpSession session) throws Exception { String sCommand = "object show "+objectID+" get { actions.{ href label alt executable } } token xml;"; Framework framework = Application.getFramework(session); if (framework!=null) { framework.emptyEnv(); framework.setEnv("id", objectID); } Element eCommands = parseXML(performOOQL(sCommand,session)); Iterator elementList = eCommands.getDescendants(); Vector vCommands=new Vector(); while (elementList.hasNext()) { try{ Element nextElement = (Element); String sAttrName = nextElement.getName(); if (sAttrName.equals("command") ) { Command command = new Command(); command.setName(nextElement.getAttributeValue("name")); command.setId(Integer.parseInt(nextElement.getAttributeValue("id"))); command.setLabel(nextElement.getChildText("label")); command.setHRef(nextElement.getChildText("href")); command.setAlt(nextElement.getChildText("alt")); command.setExecutable(nextElement.getChildText("executable").equals("true")); vCommands.add(command); } } catch (Exception e){} } return vCommands; } /** * Execute a command action * * @param commandName the {@link Command}'s name * @param parameters additional framework environment parameters (can be null) * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * @since 2.5 * * @return execution result */ public static String executeCommand(String commandName,Hashtable parameters,HttpSession session) throws Exception { String sCommand = "command execute '"+commandName+"' ;"; if (parameters!=null) { Framework framework = Application.getFramework(session); for (Enumeration en=parameters.keys(); en.hasMoreElements();) { String nameP = (String)en.nextElement(); try { String valueP = (String)parameters.get(nameP); framework.setEnv(nameP,valueP); } catch (Exception e) {} } } return performOOQL(sCommand,session); } /** * Get the list of LinkTypes allowed for a Class type. * * @param className the {@link Class} name * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @return vector of {@link LinkType} names (String) */ public static Vector getClassLinkTypes(String className,HttpSession session) throws Exception { String sCommand = "class show '"+className+"' get { linktype } token { '' '|' };"; return StringTokensToVector(performOOQL(sCommand,session),"|"); } /** * Get the default Form for a Class type. * * @param className the {@link Class} name * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @return the {@link Form} name */ public static String getDefaultForm(String className,boolean top,HttpSession session) throws Exception { if (StringUtils.isBlank(className)) { return""; } try { String sType = "form"; if (top) { sType = "baseform"; } return performOOQL("class show '"+className+"' get "+sType+";",session); } catch (Exception e) { throw new OberonException("InvalidForm",new String[]{"Class",className,e.getMessage()}); } } /** * Get the default Form for a LinkType. * * @param linkType the {@link Link} type * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @return the {@link Form} name */ public static String getLinkDefaultForm(String linkType,HttpSession session) throws Exception { if (StringUtils.isBlank(linkType)) { return""; } try { return performOOQL("linktype show '"+linkType+"' get form;",session); } catch (Exception e) { throw new OberonException("InvalidForm",new String[]{"Linktype",linkType,e.getMessage()}); } } /** * Get the User views. * * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @return vector of the {@link View} names or null * * @see Form#setFilterParameters(String) */ public static Vector getUserViews(HttpSession session) throws Exception { Framework framework = Application.getFramework(session); if (framework!=null) { String sCommand = "view list * user '"+framework.getUserName()+"';"; return StringTokensToVector(performOOQL(sCommand,session),"\n"); } else { return new Vector(); } } /** * Get visible Form-Items list for a object instance or class. * * @param objectIDClass the {@link ObjectObj}'s ID or Classname * @param form the {@link Form} applied to show/edit the ObjectObj's data * @param parameters list of parameters used by Item extraction {@link Program}s * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @return array of two vector elements: * [0] = vector of visible Form - {@link Item}s * [1] = vector of editable Form - {@link Item} names * * @see Form#setFilterParameters(String) */ public static Vector[] getFormUserItems(String objectIDClass,Form form,String parameters,HttpSession session) throws Exception { //Get filter parameters values String sFilterPar=form.getFilterParameters(); String sArgs=""; String sObjectClass=objectIDClass; if ( objectIDClass.startsWith("#") && !StringUtils.isBlank(sFilterPar) ) { String sCommand = "object show "+objectIDClass+" get { class "+sFilterPar+" } token '<<|>>';"; Vector vRes = StringTokensToVector(performOOQL(sCommand,session),"<<|>>"); sObjectClass=((String)vRes.elementAt(0)); int iSize = vRes.size(); for (int i=1;i>';"; Vector vRes = StringTokensToVector(performOOQL(sCommand,session),"<<|>>"); sLinkOrType=((String)vRes.elementAt(0)); int iSize = vRes.size(); for (int i=1;i0) { sCommand+="input "+sArgs; } sCommand+=" token xml;"; Element eUserItems = parseXML(performOOQL(sCommand,session)); Iterator elementList = eUserItems.getDescendants(); Vector vItems=new Vector(); Vector vEditableItems=new Vector(); Vector vRequiredItems=new Vector(); Vector vDisabledItems=new Vector(); while (elementList.hasNext()) { try{ Element nextElement = (Element); String sAttrName = nextElement.getName(); if (isBlank(nextElement.getText())) { continue; } if (sAttrName.equals("item.visible") ) { Item item = form.getItem(nextElement.getText()); if (item.getType()!= Item.ITEMTYPE_FORM) { vItems.add(item); } else { // Form String sFormName=item.getItemValue(); if (sClassType!=null && (sFormName.length()==0 || sFormName.equals("?")) ) { if (isObject) { sFormName = getDefaultForm(sClassType,false,session); } else { sFormName = getLinkDefaultForm(sClassType,session); } } if (sFormName.length()>0 && vForms.indexOf(sFormName)<0) { Form subform = (Form)loadAdminObject("form",sFormName,session); vForms.add(sFormName); Vector[] vFormItems = getFormUserItems(isObject,sClassType,subform,sArgs,vForms,session); vItems.addAll(vFormItems[0]); vEditableItems.addAll(vFormItems[1]); vRequiredItems.addAll(vFormItems[2]); vDisabledItems.addAll(vFormItems[3]); } } } else if (sAttrName.equals("item.editable") ) { vEditableItems.add(nextElement.getText()); } else if (sAttrName.equals("item.required") ) { vRequiredItems.add(nextElement.getText()); } else if (sAttrName.equals("item.disabled") ) { vDisabledItems.add(nextElement.getText()); } } catch (Exception e){} } return new Vector[]{vItems,vEditableItems,vRequiredItems,vDisabledItems}; } /** * Get all fields included in the Form * * @param objclass the {@link ObjectObj}'s Classname * @param form the {@link Form} applied to show/edit the ObjectObj's data * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @return vector of the Form - {@link Item}s * * @see Form#setFilterParameters(String) */ public static Vector getFormItemFields(String objclass,Form form,HttpSession session) throws Exception { Vector vForms=new Vector(); return getFormItemFields(true,objclass,form,vForms,session); } /** * Get all fields included in the Form * * @param linktype the {@link Link}'s LinkType * @param form the {@link Form} applied to show/edit the ObjectObj's data * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @return vector of the Form - {@link Item}s * * @see Form#setFilterParameters(String) */ public static Vector getLinkFormItemFields(String linktype,Form form,HttpSession session) throws Exception { Vector vForms=new Vector(); return getFormItemFields(false,linktype,form,vForms,session); } private static Vector getFormItemFields(boolean isObject,String classtype,Form form,Vector vForms,HttpSession session) throws Exception { Vector vItems = form.getItems(); Vector vFields = new Vector(); int iSize = vItems.size(); for (int i=0;i0 && vForms.indexOf(sFormName)<0) { Form subform = (Form)loadAdminObject("form",sFormName,session); vForms.add(sFormName); vFields.addAll(getFormItemFields(isObject,classtype,subform,vForms,session)); } } } return vFields; } /** * Get ObjectObj properties related to Form-Item fields * * @param objectID the {@link ObjectObj}'s ID * @param items vector of {@link Item}s * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @throws OberonException usually due to DB SQL exceptions * * @return a hashtable with data values associated to keys like "field[<fieldName>]" */ public static Hashtable getObjectFormData(String objectID,Vector items,HttpSession session) throws Exception { return getObjectLinkFormData(true,objectID,items,session); } /** * Get Link properties related to Form-Item fields * * @param linkID the {@link Link}'s ID * @param items vector of {@link Item}s * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @throws OberonException usually due to DB SQL exceptions * * @return a hashtable with data values associated to keys like "field[<fieldName>]" */ public static Hashtable getLinkFormData(String linkID,Vector items,HttpSession session) throws Exception { return getObjectLinkFormData(false,linkID,items,session); } private static Hashtable getObjectLinkFormData(boolean isObject,String sID,Vector items,HttpSession session) throws Exception { Hashtable hObjectData=new Hashtable(); Vector vGetData = new Vector(); String sLoadFields = null; Form form = null; if ( !StringUtils.isBlank(sID) ) { // Load object/link values StringBuffer sObjectGet= new StringBuffer(); String sGetData=""; int iSize = items.size(); for (int i=0;i0) { vGetData.addElement(sGetData); sObjectGet.append(sGetData).append(' '); } } if (sObjectGet.length()>0) { StringBuffer sCommand = new StringBuffer(); if (isObject) { sCommand.append("object show ").append(sID).append(" get { ").append(sObjectGet).append(" } token '<<|>>';"); } else { sCommand.append("link show ").append(sID).append(" get { ").append(sObjectGet).append(" } token '<<|>>';"); } Vector vRes = StringTokensToVector(performOOQL(sCommand.toString(),session),"<<|>>"); iSize = vGetData.size(); for (int i=0;i0) { Framework framework = Application.getFramework(session); framework.emptyEnv(); framework.setEnv("id",sID); StringBuffer sResult=new StringBuffer(""); sLoadFields="range['"+replaceString(sLoadFields, ",", "'] range['")+"']"; String sRes = performOOQL("form show '"+form.getName()+"' get { "+sLoadFields+" } token xml;",session); sResult.append(replaceString(sRes,"","")); sResult.append(""); Element eRanges = parseXML(sResult.toString()); Iterator fieldList = eRanges.getDescendants(new ElementFilter("field")); while (fieldList.hasNext()) { try{ Element fieldElement = (Element); String sFieldName = fieldElement.getAttributeValue("name"); Iterator rangeList = fieldElement.getDescendants(new ElementFilter("range")); // Current value is the first range element if (rangeList.hasNext()) { String value = ((Element); StringTokenizer rangev = new StringTokenizer(" "+value+" ","|"); hObjectData.put(sFieldName,rangev.nextToken().trim()); } } catch (Exception ex) {} } } } else { // Load field default values StringBuffer sFieldList= new StringBuffer(); int iSize = items.size(); for (int i=0;i0) { sFieldList.append("xx"); String sCommand = "field select "+sFieldList.toString()+" get { name default } token '\t' ;"; Vector vRes = StringTokensToVector(performOOQL(sCommand,session),"\n"); iSize = vRes.size(); for (int i=0;i>';"; Vector vRes = StringTokensToVector(performOOQL(sCommand,session),"<<|>>"); int iSize = vRes.size(); for (int i=1;i0) { sCommand+="input "+sArgs; } sCommand+=" token xml;"; Element eUserColumns = parseXML(performOOQL(sCommand,session)); Iterator elementList = eUserColumns.getDescendants(); Vector vColumns=new Vector(); Vector vEditableColumns=new Vector(); while (elementList.hasNext()) { try{ Element nextElement = (Element); String sAttrName = nextElement.getName(); if (isBlank(nextElement.getText())) { continue; } if (sAttrName.equals("column.seeable") ) { Column column = view.getColumn(nextElement.getText()); vColumns.add(column); } else if (sAttrName.equals("column.modifiable") ) { vEditableColumns.add(nextElement.getText()); } } catch (Exception e){} } return new Vector[]{ vColumns ,vEditableColumns }; } /** * Split View-Columns in getObject and getLink part * * @param columns : View-Column vector * * @return hashtable with the following elements: * "columns": valid columns (Column[]) * "getObject": object get command (String) * "getObject[]": object get list (String[]) * "getLink": link get command (String) * "getLink[]": link get list (String[]) * "indexes": column indexes (int[]) * * @see View#setFilterParameters(String) */ public static Hashtable splitViewColumns(Vector columns) throws Exception { int iValidCol=0; int iObjCol=0; int iLinkCol=0; int iSize = columns.size(); for (int i=0;i0) { iValidCol++; iObjCol++; } else if (col.getGetLink().length()>0) { iValidCol++; iLinkCol++; } } int[] vIndexes =new int[iValidCol]; Column[] vCols =new Column[iValidCol]; String[] vObjFields=new String[iObjCol]; String[] vLinkFields=new String[iLinkCol]; iValidCol=0; iObjCol=0; iLinkCol=0; int iNdxCol = 0; for (int i=0;i0) { vCols[iNdxCol]=col; vIndexes[iValidCol]=iNdxCol; iValidCol++; vObjFields[iObjCol]=col.getGetObject(); iObjCol++; iNdxCol++; } else if (col.getGetLink().length()>0) { vCols[iNdxCol]=col; iNdxCol++; } } iNdxCol = 0; for (int i=0;i0) { vIndexes[iValidCol]=iNdxCol; iValidCol++; vLinkFields[iLinkCol]=col.getGetLink(); iLinkCol++; iNdxCol++; } else if (col.getGetObject().length()>0) { iNdxCol++; } } String sObjCommand = ""; for (int i=0;i * inputString="objname=<name>&objid=<id>"
    * resultString="objname=2140938&objid=#00034-65F5A443"
    * * Note: the resultString is http url encoded (UTF-8) */ public static String replaceObjectKeyWords(String inputString,ObjectBase objlink,HttpSession session) throws Exception { return replaceObjectKeyWords(inputString,objlink,true,session); } /** * Replace substitution keywords with ObjectObj or Link data values or dictionary translations * * @param inputString the input string containing the substitution keywords * @param objlink the {@link ObjectObj} or {@link Link} instance * @param encode if true apply the url encoding to keyword values * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @return a string where the substitution keywords are replace with related values. * * Example:
    * inputString="objname=<name>&objid=<id>&text=<[Section,DictKey]>"
    * resultString="objname=2140938&objid=#00034-65F5A443&text=DictKey_Translation"
    */ public static String replaceObjectKeyWords(String inputString,ObjectBase objlink,boolean encode,HttpSession session) throws Exception { if (objlink instanceof ObjectObj) { ObjectObj object = (ObjectObj)objlink; int i=0; String sObjectGet=""; String sTranslation; Vector vGetData =null; while ( inputString.indexOf('<')>=0 && inputString.indexOf('>')>=0 && i<100 ) { if (inputString.indexOf("")>=0 && object.getID().length()>0 ) { inputString=replaceString(inputString, "", encode?,StringUtils.UTF8):object.getID()); } else if (inputString.indexOf("")>=0 && object.getClassName().length()>0) { inputString=replaceString(inputString, "", encode?,StringUtils.UTF8):object.getClassName()); } else if (inputString.indexOf("")>=0 && object.getName().length()>0) { inputString=replaceString(inputString, "", encode?,StringUtils.UTF8):object.getName()); } else if (inputString.indexOf("")>=0 && object.getRevision().length()>0) { inputString=replaceString(inputString, "", encode?,StringUtils.UTF8):object.getRevision()); } else if (inputString.indexOf("")>=0 && object.getDescription().length()>0) { inputString=replaceString(inputString, "", encode?,StringUtils.UTF8):object.getDescription()); } else if (inputString.indexOf("")>=0 && object.getLifecycle().length()>0) { inputString=replaceString(inputString, "", encode?,StringUtils.UTF8):object.getLifecycle()); } else if (inputString.indexOf("")>=0 && object.getStage().length()>0) { inputString=replaceString(inputString, "", encode?,StringUtils.UTF8):object.getStage()); } else if (inputString.indexOf("")>=0 && object.getHolder().length()>0) { inputString=replaceString(inputString, "", encode?,StringUtils.UTF8):object.getHolder()); } else if (inputString.indexOf("")>=0 && object.getCrtDate().length()>0) { inputString=replaceString(inputString, "", encode?,StringUtils.UTF8):object.getCrtDate()); } else if (inputString.indexOf("")>=0 && object.getModDate().length()>0) { inputString=replaceString(inputString, "", encode?,StringUtils.UTF8):object.getModDate()); } else if (inputString.indexOf("")>=0 && object.getLocker().length()>0) { inputString=replaceString(inputString, "", encode?,StringUtils.UTF8):object.getLocker()); } else if (inputString.indexOf("")>=0 && object.getObjectSpace().length()>0) { inputString=replaceString(inputString, "", encode?,StringUtils.UTF8):object.getObjectSpace()); } else if (inputString.indexOf("<[")>=0 && inputString.indexOf("]>")>0) { String sKeyWord = getStringPart(inputString,"<[","]>"); if (sKeyWord.indexOf(",")<0) { sTranslation = getDictKey("*",sKeyWord,session); } else { StringTokenizer sT = new StringTokenizer(sKeyWord,","); sTranslation = getDictKey(sT.nextToken(),sT.nextToken(),session); } inputString=replaceString(inputString, "<["+sKeyWord+"]>", encode?,StringUtils.UTF8):sTranslation); } else { String sKeyWord = getStringPart(inputString,"<",">"); sObjectGet+=sKeyWord+" "; if ( vGetData==null ) { vGetData=new Vector(); } vGetData.addElement(sKeyWord); inputString=replaceString(inputString, "<"+sKeyWord+">", "$$"+sKeyWord+">"); } i++; } if ( object.getID().length()>0 && sObjectGet.length()>0 ) { String sCommand = "object show "+object.getID()+" get { "+sObjectGet+" } token '<<|>>';"; Vector vRes = StringTokensToVector(performOOQL(sCommand,session),"<<|>>"); int iSize = vGetData.size(); for (int j=0;j", encode?,StringUtils.UTF8):(String)vRes.elementAt(j)); } else { inputString=replaceString(inputString, "$$"+(String)vGetData.elementAt(j)+">", ""); } } } inputString=replaceString(inputString, "$$","<"); } else if (objlink instanceof Link) { Link link = (Link)objlink; int i=0; String sLinkGet=""; String sTranslation; Vector vGetData =null; while ( inputString.indexOf('<')>=0 && inputString.indexOf('>')>0 && i<100 ) { if (inputString.indexOf("")>=0 && link.getID().length()>0 ) { inputString=replaceString(inputString, "", encode?,StringUtils.UTF8):link.getID()); } else if (inputString.indexOf("")>=0 && link.getLinkType().length()>0 ) { inputString=replaceString(inputString, "", encode?,StringUtils.UTF8):link.getLinkType()); } else if (inputString.indexOf("")>=0 ) { inputString=replaceString(inputString, "", ""+link.isActive()); } else if (inputString.indexOf("")>=0 ) { inputString=replaceString(inputString, "", ""+link.isHidden()); } else if (inputString.indexOf("")>=0 && link.getCrtDate().length()>0) { inputString=replaceString(inputString, "", encode?,StringUtils.UTF8):link.getCrtDate()); } else if (inputString.indexOf("<[")>=0 && inputString.indexOf("]>")>0) { String sKeyWord = getStringPart(inputString,"<[","]>"); if (sKeyWord.indexOf(",")<0) { sTranslation = getDictKey("*",sKeyWord,session); } else { StringTokenizer sT = new StringTokenizer(sKeyWord,","); sTranslation = getDictKey(sT.nextToken(),sT.nextToken(),session); } inputString=replaceString(inputString, "<["+sKeyWord+"]>", encode?,StringUtils.UTF8):sTranslation); } else { String sKeyWord = getStringPart(inputString,"<",">"); sLinkGet+=sKeyWord+" "; if ( vGetData==null ) { vGetData=new Vector(); } vGetData.addElement(sKeyWord); inputString=replaceString(inputString, "<"+sKeyWord+">", "$$"+sKeyWord+">"); } i++; } if ( link.getID().length()>0 && sLinkGet.length()>0 ) { String sCommand = "link show "+link.getID()+" get { "+sLinkGet+" } token '<<|>>';"; Vector vRes = StringTokensToVector(performOOQL(sCommand,session),"<<|>>"); int iSize = vGetData.size(); for (int j=0;j", encode?,StringUtils.UTF8):(String)vRes.elementAt(j)); } else { inputString=replaceString(inputString, "$$"+(String)vGetData.elementAt(j)+">", ""); } } } inputString=replaceString(inputString, "$$","<"); } return inputString; } /** * Replace dictionary keywords with translations * * @param inputString the input string containing the substitution keywords * @param encode if true apply the url encoding to keyword values * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @return a string where the substitution keywords are replace with related values. * * @since 2.2.02 * * Example:
    * inputString="text=<[Section,DictKey]>"
    * resultString="text=DictKey_Translation"
    */ public static String replaceDictionaryKeyWords(String inputString,boolean encode,HttpSession session) throws Exception { int i=0; String sTranslation; while ( inputString.indexOf("<[")>=0 && inputString.indexOf("]>")>0 && i<50 ) { String sKeyWord = getStringPart(inputString,"<[","]>"); if (sKeyWord.indexOf(",")<0) { sTranslation = getDictKey("*",sKeyWord,session); } else { StringTokenizer sT = new StringTokenizer(sKeyWord,","); sTranslation = getDictKey(sT.nextToken(),sT.nextToken(),session); } inputString=replaceString(inputString, "<["+sKeyWord+"]>", encode?,StringUtils.UTF8):sTranslation); i++; } return inputString; } /** * Save OBEROn object changes to the database * * @param object the OBEROn object * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * Note: reset the Changes before apply modification to the object * * @throws OberonException usually due to DB SQL exceptions */ public static void saveObject(ObjectObj object,HttpSession session) throws Exception { String sCommand=object.getSaveCommand(); performOOQLCommands(sCommand,session); } /** * Save Link object changes to the database * * @param link the Link object * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * Note: reset the Changes before apply modification to the object * * @throws OberonException usually due to DB SQL exceptions */ public static void saveLink(Link link,HttpSession session) throws Exception { String sCommand=link.getSaveCommand(); performOOQLCommands(sCommand,session); } /** * Clone a OBEROn object * * @param object the OBEROn object * @param copyFiles true to replicate the attached files * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @return the new {@link ObjectObj}'s ID * * @throws OberonException usually due to DB SQL exceptions */ public static String cloneObject(ObjectObj object,boolean copyFiles,HttpSession session) throws Exception { String sCommand=object.getCloneCommand(copyFiles); return performOOQL(sCommand,session); } /** * Revise a OBEROn object * * @param object the OBEROn object * @param copyFiles true to replicate the attached files * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @return the new {@link ObjectObj}'s ID * * @throws OberonException usually due to DB SQL exceptions */ public static String reviseObject(ObjectObj object,boolean copyFiles,HttpSession session) throws Exception { String sCommand=object.getReviseCommand(copyFiles); return performOOQL(sCommand,session); } /** * Return the first revision for a Lifecycle revision rule * * @param lifecycle the {@link Lifecycle} */ public static String getFirstRevision(Lifecycle lifecycle) throws Exception { return AutoNumber.resetValue(lifecycle.getRevisionRule()); } /** * Return the next value of a AutoNumber * * @param autonumberName the {@link AutoNumber} name */ public static String getNextValue(String autonumberName,HttpSession session) throws Exception { String sCommand="autonumber increase '"+autonumberName+"';"; return performOOQL(sCommand,session); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // I/O Servlet Interface //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return a administrative object icon * * @param adminType the administrative object type (ex.: class , field , lifecycle ... ) * @param name the object name * * @return the image data * */ public static byte[] getImage(String adminType,String name) throws Exception { byte[] baImage=null; if (!ConnectionManager.isConnected()) { throw new OberonException("NotConnected",(String[])null); } OBConnection conn = ConnectionManager.getConnection(null); try { if (ConnectionManager.isRMIConnection()) { RMIClient servlet=(RMIClient)((RMIConnection)conn).getRemoteInterface(); baImage=servlet.getImage(adminType,name); } else { baImage=DB_Base.loadImage(((DBConnection)conn).getSqlConn(),adminType, name,false ); } } catch (ConnectException ex) { conn.setValid(false); throw new OberonException(ex.getMessage()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw OberonException.generateOberonException(ex,"getImage("+adminType+","+name+")"); } finally { ConnectionManager.releaseConnection(conn,null); } return baImage; } /** * Return a administrative object icon * * @param adminId the administrative object internal id * * @return the image data * */ static public byte[] getImage( int adminId ) throws Exception { return getImage("",adminId); } /** * Return a ObjectObj's icon * * @param objectId the ObjectObj's Id * * @return the image data * */ static public byte[] getImage( String objectId ) throws Exception { return getImage(DB_Base.getOSCodeFromID(objectId),DB_Base.getIdFromID(objectId)); } // Return object icon private static byte[] getImage(String sOS, int adminId ) throws Exception { byte[] baImage=null; if (!ConnectionManager.isConnected()) { throw new OberonException("NotConnected",(String[])null); } OBConnection conn = ConnectionManager.getConnection(null); try { if (ConnectionManager.isRMIConnection()) { RMIClient servlet=(RMIClient)((RMIConnection)conn).getRemoteInterface(); baImage=servlet.getImage(sOS,adminId); } else { baImage=DB_Base.loadImage(((DBConnection)conn).getSqlConn(),sOS, adminId,false ); } } catch (ConnectException ex) { conn.setValid(false); throw new OberonException(ex.getMessage()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw OberonException.generateOberonException(ex,"getImage("+sOS+","+adminId+")"); } finally { ConnectionManager.releaseConnection(conn,null); } return baImage; } /** * Set a administrative object icon * * @param adminType administrative object type * @param name administrative object name * @param image byte array image */ public static void setImage(String adminType,String name,byte[] image) throws OberonException,SQLException,IOException{ if (!ConnectionManager.isConnected()) { throw new OberonException("NotConnected",(String[])null); } OBConnection conn = ConnectionManager.getConnection(null); try { if ( ConnectionManager.isRMIConnection() ) { RMIClient servlet=(RMIClient)((RMIConnection)conn).getRemoteInterface(); servlet.setImage("",adminType,name,image); } else { java.sql.Connection sqlconn = ((DBConnection)conn).getSqlConn(); int iId = DB_Base.checkExists(sqlconn,adminType,name,false); if (iId>Integer.MIN_VALUE) { boolean bUpdate = DB_Base.lockImage(sqlconn,"", iId ,false); DB_Base.setImage(sqlconn, "",iId , "" , image , bUpdate,false); } } } catch (ConnectException ex) { conn.setValid(false); throw OberonException.generateOberonException(ex); } finally { ConnectionManager.releaseConnection(conn,null); } } /** * Extract a file from an ObjectObj instance * * @param objectID the {@link ObjectObj}'s ID * @param fileTypeName the {@link FileType} name * @param fileName the file name to set * @param lock true to lock the {@link ObjectObj}'s file after the operation * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @return the file data * * @throws Exception usually due to DB SQL exceptions or {@link Trigger} exceptions or IO exceptions */ static public byte[] getFile(String objectID,String fileTypeName,String fileName,boolean lock,HttpSession session) throws Exception { byte[] baFile=null; if (!ConnectionManager.isConnected()) { throw new OberonException("NotConnected",(String[])null); } Framework framework = Application.getFramework(session); if (framework!=null) { OBConnection conn = ConnectionManager.getConnection(framework); try { String sLock=(lock?"lock":""); String sCommand="object fileget "+objectID+" "+sLock+" server filetype '"+fileTypeName+"' name '"+StringUtils.escape(fileName)+"' path '';"; if (ConnectionManager.isRMIConnection()) { RMIClient servlet=(RMIClient)((RMIConnection)conn).getRemoteInterface(); servlet.performOOQL( sCommand , framework ); Application.setFramework(session, servlet.getFramework()); baFile=servlet.downloadFile(objectID,fileName); } else { OOQLExecute execOOQL = new OOQLExecute(); framework=execOOQL.executeOOQL(sCommand,framework); Application.setFramework(session, framework); StringTokenizer sT=new StringTokenizer(objectID,"-"); sT.nextToken(); String sFilePath=Params.sUploadDir+sT.nextToken()+"/"+fileName; baFile = FileUtils.getBytesFromFile(sFilePath) ; try { File fGet=new File(sFilePath); if ( fGet.exists() ) { fGet.delete(); } } catch (Exception ex) {} } } catch (ConnectException ex) { conn.setValid(false); throw new OberonException(ex.getMessage()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw OberonException.generateOberonException(ex,"getFile("+objectID+","+fileTypeName+","+fileName+","+lock+")"); } finally { ConnectionManager.releaseConnection(conn,framework); } } else { throw new OberonException("FrameworkNull",(String[])null); } return baFile; } /** * Attach one a file to an ObjectObj instance * * @param fileContent contains the file data * @param objectID the {@link ObjectObj}'s ID * @param fileTypeName the {@link FileType} name * @param fileName the file name to set * @param lock true to lock the {@link ObjectObj}'s file after the operation * @param overwrite if true all files associated to the {@link ObjectObj} for the same FileType
    * will be remove before the new file upload is performed * @param indexed if true the file content and metadata will be indexed for searching * @param session http session to retrieve the User framework * * @throws Exception usually due to DB SQL exceptions or {@link Trigger} exceptions or IO exceptions */ public static void putFile(byte[] fileContent,String objectID,String fileTypeName,String fileName, boolean lock,boolean overwrite,boolean indexed, HttpSession session) throws Exception { if (!ConnectionManager.isConnected()) { throw new OberonException("NotConnected",(String[])null); } Framework framework = Application.getFramework(session); if (framework!=null) { OBConnection conn = ConnectionManager.getConnection(framework); try { String sLock=(lock?"":"unlock"); String sOverwrite=(overwrite?"overwrite":""); String sIndexed=(indexed?"indexed":""); String sCommand="object fileput "+objectID+" "+sLock+" server "+sIndexed +" "+sOverwrite+" filetype '"+fileTypeName+"' name '"+StringUtils.escape(fileName)+"' ;"; if (ConnectionManager.isRMIConnection()) { RMIClient servlet=(RMIClient)((RMIConnection)conn).getRemoteInterface(); servlet.uploadFile(fileContent,objectID,fileName); servlet.performOOQL( sCommand , framework ); Application.setFramework(session, servlet.getFramework()); } else { StringTokenizer sT=new StringTokenizer(objectID,"-"); sT.nextToken(); String sDestPath=Params.sUploadDir+sT.nextToken(); FileUtils.createLocalDir(sDestPath); File fPut = new File(sDestPath+"/"+fileName) ; if ( fPut.exists() ) { fPut.delete(); } BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fPut), 4096); for (int i=0;i0 ) { sReturn.append(Application.translateLabel(sLabel,section)).append(": "); } switch (itemType) { case Item.ITEMTYPE_BASIC: case Item.ITEMTYPE_FIELD: case Item.ITEMTYPE_XFIELD: case Item.ITEMTYPE_ACTION: { if (itemType==Item.ITEMTYPE_BASIC) { sExpression="_"+sExpression; } String sDataValue = (String)hObjectData.get("field['"+sExpression+"']"); if (sDataValue==null) { if (sExpression.startsWith("_")) { sDataValue = (String)hObjectData.get(sExpression.substring(1)); } else { sDataValue = (String)hObjectData.get(sExpression); } if (sDataValue==null) { sDataValue=""; } } sReturn.append(getLabel(item,false,section,session)); int iFieldType = item.getFieldType(); if (iFieldType==Item.FIELDTYPE_SELECT || iFieldType==Item.FIELDTYPE_CHECKBOX || iFieldType==Item.FIELDTYPE_RADIO) { sReturn.append(getDictSubKey(section,sExpression, sDataValue ,session)); } else if (iFieldType!=Item.FIELDTYPE_HIDDEN) { sReturn.append(formatValue(sDataValue,item.getFormat(),locale)); } } break; case Item.ITEMTYPE_GETOBJ: { sReturn.append(getLabel(item,false,section,session)); String sDataValue=getTranslatedValue(section,item.getFormat(),(String)hObjectData.get(sExpression),session); sReturn.append(formatValue(sDataValue,item.getFormat(),locale)); } break; case Item.ITEMTYPE_GETLINK: { sReturn.append(getLabel(item,false,section,session)); String sDataValue=getTranslatedValue(section,item.getFormat(),(String)hObjectData.get(sExpression),session); sReturn.append(formatValue(sDataValue,item.getFormat(),locale)); } break; case Item.ITEMTYPE_SECTION: { sReturn.append("\n").append(Application.getTranslation(section,sExpression)); } break; case Item.ITEMTYPE_SPACER: { if ( item.getHeight()>1 ) { sReturn.append("\n"); } } break; case Item.ITEMTYPE_HREF: { sLabel = getLabel(item,false,section,session); String sHref = sExpression; if (object!=null) { sHref = replaceObjectKeyWords(sExpression,object,false,session); } else { sHref = replaceDictionaryKeyWords(sExpression,false,session); } sReturn.append(sLabel.length()>0?Application.getTranslation(section,sLabel):getHrefLabel(sHref)); } break; case Item.ITEMTYPE_LABEL: { sReturn.append(Application.getTranslation(section,sExpression)); } break; } if (item.getFormat().indexOf("")>=0) { sReturn.append("\t\t"); } if (item.getFormat().indexOf("")>=0) { sReturn.append("\n"); } } catch (Exception e) { return "Item "+sItemName+" Exception: "+e.getMessage(); } catch (Error e) { return "Item "+sItemName+" Error: "+e.getMessage(); } } } catch (Exception exx) { return "Form '"+formName+"' Exception: "+exx.getMessage(); } catch (Error exx) { return "Form '"+formName+"' Error: "+exx.getMessage(); } return sReturn.toString(); } private static String getLabel(Item item,boolean isRequired,String section,HttpSession session) throws Exception { String sReturn=""; String sLabel = StringUtils.getTagValue(item.getFormat(),"l"); if ( sLabel.length()>0 ) { sReturn+=Application.translateLabel(sLabel,section); if ( isRequired ) { sReturn+="*"; } } return sReturn; } public static Hashtable setFrameworkEnv(Framework framework,ApplicationRequest request,boolean bTable) { String valueP; String nameP; Hashtable hValues = null; if (bTable) { hValues=new Hashtable(); } Enumeration en=request.getParameterNames(); if ( en.hasMoreElements() ) framework.emptyEnv(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { nameP = (String)en.nextElement(); try { valueP = (String)request.getParameter(nameP); if (nameP.endsWith("[]")) { nameP=nameP.substring(0,nameP.length()-2);} if (bTable) { hValues.put("field['"+nameP+"']",valueP); } framework.setEnv(nameP,,StringUtils.UTF8)); } catch (Exception e) {} } return hValues; } private static String getTranslatedValue(String section,String keyFormat,String subKey,HttpSession session )throws Exception { String sReturn=subKey; String sLabel = StringUtils.getTagValue(keyFormat,"t"); if ( sLabel.length()>0 ) { if (sLabel.indexOf(",")<0) { sReturn=getDictSubKey(section,sLabel,subKey,session); } else { StringTokenizer sT = new StringTokenizer(sLabel,","); sReturn=getDictSubKey(sT.nextToken(),sT.nextToken(),subKey,session); } } return sReturn; } private static String getHrefLabel(String sHref) { String sLabel; int iPos = sHref.indexOf('?'); if (iPos>0) { sLabel= sHref.substring(0,iPos); } else { sLabel= sHref; } sLabel = replaceString(sLabel,"%40","@"); if (sLabel.startsWith("http://")) { sLabel= sLabel.substring(7); } else if (sLabel.startsWith("https://")) { sLabel= sLabel.substring(8); } else if (sLabel.startsWith("mailto:")) { sLabel= sLabel.substring(7); } else if (sLabel.startsWith("mail.jsp")) { sLabel=getStringPart(sHref,"email=","&"); } return sLabel; } private static String formatValue(String value, String formatTags ,Locale locale) { String format; if ( (format = StringUtils.getTagValue(formatTags,"d")).length()>0 ) { try { java.util.Date data; SimpleDateFormat toformat; if (value.length()<=11) { SimpleDateFormat fromformat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); data = fromformat.parse(value); toformat = new SimpleDateFormat(format,locale); } else { SimpleDateFormat fromformat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzz"); data = fromformat.parse(value); toformat = new SimpleDateFormat(format+" HH:mm:ss zzz",locale); } value=toformat.format(data); } catch (Exception e) { } } else if ( (format = StringUtils.getTagValue(formatTags,"f")).length()>0 ) { try { StringTokenizer sT= new StringTokenizer(format,"."); java.text.DecimalFormat myformat = new DecimalFormat(); sT.nextToken(); int iDecimals = Integer.parseInt(sT.nextToken()); myformat.setMinimumFractionDigits(iDecimals); myformat.setMaximumFractionDigits(iDecimals); DecimalFormatSymbols newSymbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols(locale); String symbols = Application.number_separator_symbols; if (symbols!=null && symbols.length()==2) { newSymbols.setGroupingSeparator(symbols.charAt(0)); newSymbols.setDecimalSeparator(symbols.charAt(1)); } myformat.setDecimalFormatSymbols(newSymbols); value=myformat.format(Float.parseFloat(value)); } catch (Exception e) {} } else if ( (format = StringUtils.getTagValue(formatTags,"F")).length()>0 ) { value = replaceString(format,"{VALUE}",value); } return value; } }